19 1 1

Lennie runs to the hangar where the door is just opening. Imelda and I follow. I'm not exactly excited about seeing Dr. Whitman now. After our last meeting, things weren't very good. And when she last called few days after the incident, I ended hanging up the call because I couldn't listen to her any more telling that what I did was reckless and that I could've died in there if it weren't for them. Adjusting will need time, and I don't think this time will be short.

I prefer to stay aside and not interfere with the situation. Dr. Whitman is the first to emerge from the door with the batch of doctors, followed by the guards and the engineers. Lennie runs to her mother once she's on the floor and gives her an immense cuddle. She looks at her with bright eyes that are wet with tears. I don't think Lennie had ever been parted from her mother all this period. I still need time to adjust to my new family.

I keep watching while everyone leaves the Berg, hopping someone would emerge out: Tommy, Minho, Sonya, Harriett, Jorje, Brenda- any bloody shank of them.

"Eh, you look like a lass waiting on the harbor for her fiancé to return from Dunkirk," Neal laughs, surprising me from behind.

"Funny. Isn't that true?" I laugh coldly without turning.

Neal sighs and presses on my shoulder. "You know if we had found them, you'd have been the first to know," he mumbles.

"I placed money on that you'd want to surprise me like you wanted to surprise Len."

"Give it time, Newt, and you'll be alright, lad."

I smirk while I watch quietly. When the pilot leaves and they start closing the door, I lose all my hope.

They're gone. My friends are gone forever.

Neal folds his arm around my shoulder, but I shrink them. "Don't you want to say hi to your mother, Newt?" he asks.

"Already did," I answer. He raises a brow. "I've waved for her a while ago," I add. "Where are Julie and Teresa?" I ask him after a while.

"They'll be brought on a special helicopter once their health improves. Maybe in two or three days," Neal answers.

"Why didn't you bring them with you?"

"Julie is infected, Newt," Neal sighs. "Not all of us here are immune. We couldn't take any risks. Also, we were afraid flying wouldn't suit her yet. Teresa isn't much better. She's opened her eyes, but she's failed to move anything else. She needs time."

I nod slowly. I have to be patient, for those are the last ones I have with everyone else gone. I have to believe. Again, I have questions for mother. Why have I been cured?

"And how has your brother been with you, Len?" suddenly I hear Dr, Whitman laughing. She and Lennie come and stand by, close to me and Neal.

"He's been fine," answers Lennie while giving me a smirk and a wink.


Lennie nods.

"Good then," Sorcha sighs with curled lips. Apparently, she's been looking for something like: he flared because I ate his cookies and broke the vase.

"I... I've left the chicken in the oven to stay warm," I finally clear my voice after a while to say. "I believe we better get back before it burns."

"You've cooked?!" Neal exclaims.

"With Imelda's help," I answer.

"And by 'helped' he means I washed dishes," Imelda replies.

Neal smirks while giving me a friendly punch on the back. Sorcha curls her lips in astonishment. "Well, I was having plans to dine in the restaurant, but if you've cooked, I believe we must do that another night," she states.


"So, how was the past weeks like, Newt?" Sorcha asks me while we're packing up and washing dishes after dinner. Fortunately, everyone has liked Fry's recipe of roasted chicken and mashed potatoes.

"Good," I answer coldly as I return the dried plates to their place in the cupboard.

"And what have you been doing?"

"Nothing important. I read a little, exercised, worked on chores with Imelda. Nothing important."

She nods slowly.

"How was your gold-mining?" I ask her after a while.

"Went well," she answers. "We found Flat-trans machines, surgical robots WICKED used for your brain implants, holograms, computers, and one of the machines where Grievers were ingrown."

"What will you do with the last?!" I ask, trying to hide my frown.

"Don't you wish for a baby Griever? You had a puppy once, so why not a Griever for change?!" she laughs.

"Would be so bloody handful," I answer while stretching to reach the last shelf in the cupboard. Our humor. I stay quiet for a while, calculating the question in my brain. "How's Julie?" I finally ask her.

"Not worse, but not better" she answers. "Still having problems to push her body to fight the virus."

"Have you found anything that might help? WICKED's grand blue-prints, for instant?"

"No," she answers. "We found the prints, but the information they gave was similar to the ones we already had from you, and we might have even more. We'll have a meeting regarding Julie's cure tomorrow."

"Good that," I mumble Now is the perfect moment to ask her! "Mother, I have a question," I finally gather my courage to ask.


I breathe. "Mother, why am I different? Like why was I cured from the Flare and Julie hasn't through this whole period? You said it's something before WICKED."

She pauses for a while and stares at me. She then cups my face in her hand and whispers, "You'll know when it's time." She kisses my cheek and goes to her room while calling me not to stay late.


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