Alicia Clarke

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A/n: You shove her off the boat to safety

Alicia's Pov:

Y/n and I were running around the boat trying to lose him when we were met with a dead end I look over to the edge and noticed a large drop into the ocean.

Y/n:"Alicia you need to jump"

Al:"Are you insane that's like a 20-foot drop we'll never make it"

Y/n:"I might not but you will so go"

Al:"I am not leaving you here if I do he'll kill you"

Y/n:" Then I'll fight him off but you need to go"


Y/n:"God damn it, Alicia, you need to go"

Al:"I don't need to do anything y/n" y/n looks at the man gaining on us then looked back at me and over the edge.

Y/n:"I'm sorry Alicia I love you" she pushed me over the edge and i was sent flying down into the water once i resurfaced i looked back up at rthe ship and notice y/n watching me then out of nowhere an arm closes around her neck and she elbows him in the ribs and they began to fight i didn't have anytime to see if she made it because my mom had pulled me into a small boat and we headed off I remeber turning back to the boat and seeing two figures fighting I saw him pull out a gun I looked away as he shot her in the ribs she stumbled back and falls to the deck he then turned to me and watched me ride away to safety.


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