Ducklings (Avengers FanFic)

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~Stucky is Life~

Warnings: Much homo, my dude; Spoilers

1156 Words

Anyone see Infinity War? Also, 20th oneshot! Yay!
Bucky was sitting on a bench. He was happy on his little bench. Said bench was comfy, and it overlooked a small pond with tiny ducklings.

He smiled as he heard the cute, little ducklings release small quacks. Bucky would never admit it, but he absolutely loved ducklings. They were just so happy all the time!

Bucky quietly laughed at one goofy mini duck as it stopped and realized it was swimming away from its mother. How could someone look at these small fluff balls and not feel happy?

A small smile graced the man as he watched the ducklings and their adorable antics, he hardly realised when a stranger sat on the bench beside him.

When he finally snapped out of his own little duckling filled world and saw someone next to him, the smile fell from his face.

The stranger gave him a small smile before noticing the look on Bucky's face. The cute smile he wore turned into a worried expression.

"I'm so sorry, did you want to sit alone?"

As Bucky looked at the man, he couldn't help noticing how cute he was. He was small and almost seemed dainty, but his voice was strong. He looked to be about the same age as Bucky, if not a year younger. He also had beautifully blue eyes and messy blonde hair. He was as adorable as the ducklings.

"Um, sir?" the cute stranger said.

Bucky snapped out of his thoughts of the man and looked into his blue eyes.

"Oh, sorry," he apologized. "And it's fine that you sat here. It's not like there are any other benches open."

Bucky was right, there was only one other bench in their proximity and it was being used by an elderly couple at the moment.

"Thanks!" the stranger sent Bucky a dazzling smile. "I'm Steve by the way."

"Bucky." Bucky smiled back.

"Nice to meet you, Bucky."

"Likewise, Steve."

Steve sent another smile before he pulled out a sketchbook and a pencil from his bag. He opened the book up to a blank page and put the pencil to his paper.

Bucky looked back at the pond and watched the ducks for a while until he decided to see what Steve was drawing. He could only see a tree so far, so he turned back to the pond. But sooner rather than later he had to look back at the paper.

Bucky never really understood art but, from what he could see, Steve was good at drawing. Bucky could tell that he was drawing the pond and the tiny ducklings.

Steve looked at Bucky from the corner of his eye. He knew the other man had been watching him while he worked and he sort of liked the attention.

Steve looked back at the pond for a reference and Bucky snapped his attention back in front of him, hoping Steve didn't notice him staring. Steve smiled when he noticed his embarrasment.

"How do you like it so far?" Steve asked, handing the sketchbook to Bucky.

Bucky looked at him and took the book, surprised that Steve had acknowledged him.

He gave the picture a once over and smiled, Steve drew the ducks perfectly. He looked once more at Steve and smiled wider.

"It's wonderful. You're an amazing artist, Steve," Bucky praised as he handed the sketchbook back to him.

"Thanks!" Steve beamed back. "I work as an artist for a marketing firm. Not the most glorious job but it pays rent and I get to do what I love."

"That's great. I always wished I could draw but I never had the gift," Bucky chuckled.

Steve let out a small laugh before he asked, "And what do you do?"

"Oh, I actually just got back from my deployment, I'm a vet," Bucky replied.

Steve nodded and glanced quickly at Bucky's arm, or lack thereof. Bucky knew he was curious but was probably too polite to ask what had happened.

"Explosion," he said softly.

"What?" Steve asked, confused.

"It was an explosion. That's why I only have one arm," Bucky quickly added, "You looked curious."

Steve's face changed into one of concern. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to pry! I guess I'm just a bad person."

"No," Bucky assured him. "No, you seem like a great person! You were too polite to ask so I just decided to tell you. It's quite all right."

Steve sent him an small smile before he looked back to the ducks. He quickly went back to his drawing.

Bucky felt a smile cross his face and went back to his routine of watching Steve and the ducks.

He quickly dropped the routine, however, and just started watching Steve draw. His face showed pure concentration and his eyebrows were scrunched up. He was just too cute.

Bucky watched the smaller man while he drew. Steve smiled as he knew the bigger man was watching him work. Steve didn't usually like attention while he worked but this man could watch him all he wanted. He was too beautiful to say no to.

Steve blushed as he noticed Bucky lean the slightest bit closer to him to see what he was doing now. He saw Bucky smile out of the corner of his eye. Steve blushed a darker shade of red and kept working. He really hoped Bucky was at least a little gay.

Bucky noticed the blush on Steve's face and smirked. Bucky could see that he liked his attention and Bucky wasn't going to disappoint the gorgeous man next to him.

Steve had drawn out his drawing in an attempt to stay next to Bucky, but he knew it couldn't go on forever. He finally put the finishing touches on the picture and turned to Bucky.

"All done, what do you think?" he asked.

"Greatest piece of art I've ever seen," Bucky replied, never once taking his eyes off Steve.

Steve fidgeted in his seat and looked down at his lap.

"Thanks, Bucky," he smiled and looked back at the other man.

Bucky smiled back at him and decided he wouldn't let this one go.

"It just needs one more thing, may I?" Bucky said.

Steve nodded and passed over the sketchbook with an apprehensive look. Bucky took the book and turned the page to write on the back.

He handed the book back to Steve with a smile and told him he'd see him later.

Steve was confused until he saw the back of the page. On the back in scrappy handwriting he saw the name "Bucky Barnes" and what he was assuming was a phone number.

He smiled and looked up to see Bucky walk away. Bucky turned to look back at him and waved. Steve waved back. He would be seeing Bucky soon, he was sure of it.

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