Love Sick (Merlin FanFic)

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~Merthur boiii~

Warnings: None

651 Words
Falling in love is hard. It's even harder when the person you're falling for is the same gender. But it's hardest when the man you're falling in love with is a dollop head.

Merlin dropped his head into his hands. He couldn't keep doing this. He couldn't keep feeling these feelings. This wasn't how his life was supposed to go. He wasn't supposed to fall for his best friend! Hell, he wasn't even supposed to fall for another man!

The tormented man rubbed his hands over his face. Merlin didn't want to love Arthur, but it wasn't like he could just turn off his feelings for the blonde. As many times as he had tried, he could never stop himself from feeling those butterflies in his stomach when he saw Arthur.

A small smile crossed Merlin's face at the thought of the blonde before he let out a groan and looked up to the sky. A smile appeared on his face once more. The sky was almost the same color as Arthur's eyes.

Merlin quickly screwed his face up and looked down at his feet. Why did this have to happen? Why did he have to go and fall in love with his best friend of all people?

Merlin stood from his park bench and jammed his hands in his pockets as he started walking. Birds sang and trees swayed in the wind while he walked out of the park. It was nearly six thirty, which meant Merlin was starving.

He jolted as he felt a buzz in his pocket. He pulled out his phone only to find that the man he had stuck in his head had just texted him, asking if he wanted to get dinner.

Merlin groaned before texting back with a yes. It's like the man knew when he was thinking of him.

The disgruntled man typed in the name of a restaurant and - after getting an okay from Arthur - started heading in its direction. He reached the restaurant in under five minutes and got a table for two, assuming Arthur hadn't invited any other friends.

Merlin was only alone at the table for a few minutes before Arthur showed up.

"Hey," Arthur greeted. "Were you waiting long?"

"No, not at all," Merlin replied, looking up from a menu.

Arthur gave him a dazzling smile before sitting down. The two caught up with each other as they looked over the menus. A waitress came by and took their orders after they had been sitting for awhile.

They made idle chat while they ate until they were finished. Arthur had just paid the check - much to Merlin's disagreement - when they started leaving.

"Well," Arthur started, "I think that this was a pretty good first date, I mean, you could've dressed up a little but..."

Merlin stopped in his tracks. "Wait, what?"

Arthur turned to face him and gave Merlin a smirk.

"D-Did you just say first date?" Merlin sputtered.

"Yeah, Merlin, you're not going deaf are you?" the blonde joked.

Arthur rolled his eyes at Merlin's confused face and walked back to him.

"I know you like me, Merls, and I thought you'd like to know that I like you, too."

The confused look on Merlin's face quickly dissolved into one of excitement.

"You like me?"

Arthur groaned and closed the distance between the two in answer. Merlin melted in the embrace and kissed back as best he could. The kiss was short and sweet and everything Merlin thought it would be. The men sighed as they parted, their embrace ending far too soon for either of their liking.

"Does that answer your question?"

Merlin smiled and gave Arthur's lips one more peck.

"You might have to prove it to me again," the other man laughed.

Arthur couldn't help but smile at that and close the distance between them once more.

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