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Zodiac signs

Aries don't normally lie, since unlike other zodiac signs they do not fear confrontation. If they do lie sometimes, they do it to save someone's skin rather than their own. They are bad liars.

This sign has no particularly tendency to lie. They would rather tell the truth than hurt you by lying. If they lie at all, they do it our of sheer compulsion and out of choice

This sign are known as good liars. But not all of it are white lies.

When it comes to lying, this sign is shrouded in mystery, while they might not lie, they often resort to manipulating the truth in such a way that it comes across as a lie. They do not necessarily do so out of choice, its part of their personality.

Leo's don't lie but they do exaggerate the truth. They work around things in such a way that even if they lie, it comes across as something pure and unique.

This sign hates to lie, they would only do it if they have to. Virgos mostly think about others more than they think about themselves, so in a way they will lie, not to save themselves, but to save someone else.

Libra's lie primarily because they are indecisive in life. They hate confrontation, they would rather lie and get out of a situation. Lying is a defence mechanism for Libra's.

Scorpio's lie because they find it very difficult to put their real self in front of others. Like libra's, they lie to get away from reality.

They lie because they are truly optimistic souls, they lie because they feel that if the truth can hurt someone so bad, then why not lie?
They lie mostly to get out of a sticky situation.

For this sign, the end should justify the means, so this in a nutshell means that they will lie if they have to get something done.

They don't lie, but for them it is very difficult to comprehend what the truth is. What is right for them mind not be right for others and vice-versa. Pisces will only lie if they think it is right.

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