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Avery Sunken was over the moon, she had her love back and her old family back and couldn't be more happier.

walking downstairs the next morning and heading the the kitchen seeing Olive working on breakfast. "Morning Olive."she says. Olive glances at Avery smiling. "morning Jasmine, oh I mean Avery." she says.

"I hope your not mad at me that I didn't tell you it was really me. I wanted to make sure Victor could come back first. I didn't want to get everyone excited and that disappoint them.

Olive stops what she's doing and pulls Avery into a hug. "No I'm not mad. just shocked that your here and breathing and that Victor is here and breathing." she says. Avery nods. "I know it's a lot to take in. " she tells her.

Olive pulls back and smiles. "now could you be an amazing friend and set the table for me?"Olive asks. "oh I see Olive. gotta butter me up before you asks me to do something." Avery tease. Olive just sends her a smile to her and Avery gets out the silverware and plates.

Heading to the table she grabs the napkins and starts setting the plates down and around the table. "Morning Avery would you like some help?" Victor asks walking into the dinning room. Avery smiles at him. "mind putting the napkins and silverware down?" she asks. 

"of course. " he says coming over and planting a quick kiss to Avery cheek before moving towards where she put the silverware at. Picking it up the two got the table set and went into the kitchen helping Olvie put breakfast into serving bowls.

"I miss this. I miss seeing the two of you together."Olive says softly. Avery smiles at Olive. " I miss seeing my family. I can't believe I have everyone here with me." she says.

"ugh don't get sappy on us now Avery."Enoch says coming into the kitchen. Avery rolls her eyes. "oh hush Enoch, don't act like your not happy to have your best friend back." she says.

Enoch grabs the large serving bowl and takes it out to the dinning room. "come on let's go. we have children to feed." Enoch says as he disappeared through the door. "Avery rolls her eyes and grabs a serving dish. While Victor grabs two." Show off." Avery says. Victor just smiles at her as they take the food into the dinning room.

Olive came out with the last bowl and brings it to the dinning room. "I'll go call in for breakfast." Olive says leaving the dinning room quickly. Avery glances up at Victor happily. "it feels like a dream to finally have you all here with me." she says.

"Oh Avery you seem to forget how to talk, you seem to be repeating yourself." Enoch says. Avery rolls her eyes. "oh Enoch you forgot that less than 24 hours ago Victor was dead. and everyone but you thought I was too." Avery says. Victor wraps both his arms around us.

"now now I don't need my best friend and girlfriend to be fighting." Victor says. Before Enoch or Avery could reply the children burst into the door. All hugging Victor and then Avery as the came to take there seats.

"we thought this was a dream. we're so glad it wasn't. " Hugh spoke taking a seat. Avery sat in her old seat and Victor sat across from her. Miss Peregrine comes in shortly after everyone and smiles at all the children. The empty hole they all felt was complete again. All her children were together alive and safe. it was all she could ever ask for.

sitting in her seat Miss Peregrine tells the children to dig in. Avery grabs herself some food and sets it on her plate. humming out a thank you to Olive for making the breakfast. which made the other children thank her also.

After Breakfast Miss Peregrine brought Victor and Avery into her office, closing the door and locking it so that they could all talk in private. "Now children, can I get the story on how the two of you are alive?" Miss Peregrine says. Avery glances at Victor before facing Miss Peregrine again.

"well it all started on the night Abe took me from here." Avery begins.

Abe takes Avery out of Miss Peregrine home for perticular children. Taking her to a safe house before coming to a certain area to bury her. Abe remember that Avery could come back to life but it will take some time.

Abe stayed at the safe house only leaving to check on Miss Peregrine or other loops to make sure all was safe.

A few weeks later Abe was starting to notice change in Avery. For starters she no longer had the blue tint one gets when they die. and another her chest was slowly rising and falling down. out wasn't even 24 hours later when Avery took her first breath in a while.

Abe explained to her what had happened. and Avery broke down in tears. asking why he didn't just let her stay dead in the loop. "because you are very perticular Avery. you'll be thanking me for this one day."Abe tells her.

After staying in the safe house until Abe knew that she wasn't going to try to go back to the loop. the two set back to America. Avery became a nurse and Abe was a soldier. the two stayed together. but once people started to notice she wasn't aging. Avery had to go into hiding.

where she stayed away from most people and changing her identy many times in case someone questioned her.

"I stayed with Abe close and was always on the move. I grew up watching him care for James farther and him growing up and taking care of Jake." Avery says finishing up the story.

"it wasn't til the Hollows came and killed Abe that he told me that there was a chance I could go back and save Victor. I saved many as a nurse during WWII. So it wasn't anything new. I just had to make sure I did it during the small time frame Victor is partly alive." She says. looking at Miss Peregrine.

"well the good thing here is that the two of you are back and my home is whole again. Now Avery are you going to be staying with us or going back with Jake?" Miss Peregrine asks.

Avery smiles. "I'd like to stay, but to be able to see vist Jake."tells her. Miss Peregrine nods. "that can be a range." she says. Avery grins. "thank you. is there anything else we should discuss?"Avery asks. "no you're free to go my dears. "she tells them.

Avery and Victor get up and leaves Miss Peregrine office and heads outside. Victor picks up Avery swinging her around making her giggle. "Victor please, I'm not a stuff animal." she says laughing. Victor laughs to and sets her down. Avery turns looking up at him.

"I love you Victor Bruntley. " she says. Victor looks down at Avery smiling brightly. "And I love you Avery Sunken." he says leaning down and kissing her lightly on the lips. they pulled apart smiling wide at each other.

"come on let's go find the littke ones. I know your sister has missed playing with you a lot." Avery says. Victor grins. "yes let's do that. I miss them and my sister so much. i wanna catch up with everything I missed around here." Victor says.

The two walked hand and hand to the back yard blissfully as can be, ready to catch up on all the time they missed.


Whooooooo another cute and happy chapter.

sorry it has taken me for ever to upload a chapter. I was thinking on weather or not I should have kept this happy or shake things up but I decided to shake it up next chapter.


I have been working on many many many many many other stories some haven't even be publish because I'm trying to finish ones that are already publish but my mind comes up with new stories all the time that I just gotta write them out.

but don't worry I didn't leave y'all hanging I just have a lot of ideas and things going on in my life right now.

anyway I'll see you in my next chapter.

remember that you are love and wanted and that if your looking for a sign to keep going this is it. I love you. 💜💜

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