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Chapter 4: In parts

Part 1

"Baby, you're not thinking straight now. Don't give up. We still have time to—"

"I don't want to escape it, Dennis! I don't! I was forced into this f**king mess for you. Let go."

"If we do this, if I go in you now, our lives will never be the same in a very, very bad way. You have let us try. You must."

She was contemplating it but did not budge.

"This is f**king incest, honey. If we're going to do this, it shouldn't be like that, in the heat of the moment. It should be after we calmly talked and totally accepted it.... please, baby."

"But I love you so much," she wept. "It's not going to change... it's—"

"I know, sweetheart; my goodness, I love you back... but we have to pray it will. Our deadline is not so far away anyway. If it's meant to be... it will be. Please pull out."

Her weeping exacerbated. "How can you claim to love me when you don't want to make love to me? When you don't want to take my virginity?"

"Don't ever doubt that I love you. There's just a lot at stake here... it's not like you're my girlfriend! You're my f**king foster sister! If I'm going to pop your cherry and make love to you, I want to make f**king sure that I couldn't get away from it. I owe it to the both of us."

My cock was still wearing her pussy as a hat.


She hoisted herself up and collapsed onto me, sobbing.

"Baby, don't cry..." I murmured, caressing her beautiful hair. "You're breaking my heart. I love you so much."

"Yeah, right... we just saw how much you love me. You're such a f**king liar... get out."

She rolled onto the bed and got under the covers.

"Shit... honey, I—"

"GET OUT! Get the f**k out! I don't want to see you!"


Keran and I hadn't talked for ten days now. After that emotional night, she kept her distance from me and spent every awaken second she had with her boyfriend. They really seemed to like each other as my mom kept repeating in my ear. We hadn't had our poker night the past Thursday since one of her closest friends had a death in the family, and my foster sister stayed over there a few nights, which forced an impatient Amber to wait another week for a chance to f**k my cock. Whether Keran was avoiding me or her friend was indeed in need was hidden from me.

That night had seemed to serve as a catalyst for the both of us to get more invested in our current partners. Keran was hurt by me and was perhaps beginning to hate me, and I was horrified of how amazing that night had been, up till the point she started sobbing and crying. I never had better sex than the one I'd had with my baby foster sister. Though it wasn't sex per say; it was love making, of sorts; more like love grinding. I couldn't distinguish anyway. Even without me penetrating her—up to the hilt—or coming, it was superb and exhilarating, and surpassed anything I had done to that point.

It was Saturday night I decided to visit one of the favorite spot I had shared with Keran, yeah I was that fucked up that was just how much I missed her when i recognized one of Keran's friends just ahead of me with two of her friends. My foster sister had once introduced us years back. That friend was the one who'd lent her the poker suitcase.

Seeing no harm I decide to go say hi.

I gave her shoulder a soft tap. "Hi, you're Keran's friend, right? I don't know if you remember me….

"Yeah, you're her brother... Dennis, right?"

I smiled. "Yeah. You have a good memory."

"I just tend to remember good-looking guys." She teased.

I let out a sheepish chuckle. "Uh... thank you."

She smiled. "You're very welcome."

She was bold I had to give her that.

"This... you know what, it just occurred to me that I don't remember your name—and don't take it personally since I don't remember anything almost."

"That's disappointing. I was sure you'd remember my name."

"Yeah, I'm just as surprised as you are, trust me." I shot her my telling smile.

"It's Freya. Be sure to make a note this time."

"Sure do... oh, by the way, thanks for the suitcase. It's being put to good use."

"What suitcase?"

"The poker suitcase you lent Keran? We play poker every week, so again, thanks."

"I didn't lend her any suitcase. I don't even have one. It's probably hers."

"Um... weird. I'm pretty sure she told me you'd lent her that suitcase."

"I don't think so. We used to play poker awhile back, but we always used Keran's suitcase since she was the only one who had one."

"Uh... what? That can't be. Keran didn't even know how to play poker. I think you're confused."

"I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about here. Not only your foster sister knows how to play, she would clean us out every time, so much so that we stopped playing with her." She giggled.

“So you are saying my sister does not only know how to play but is a pro”

Yeah... she didn't tell you that?"

"No. I was under the impression that she didn't even know how to play."

She laughed. "She was probably hustling you... Keran is like a poker prodigy. She has an online account, and she makes tons of cash. She also travels to tournaments like last vacation she took, she came third in a tournament of thirty best in the country... anyway, beware of her."

"Pro huh" I was so angry.

"Yep”, Dennis I got to run, see you around. Just be sure to remember my name."

"Yeah, yeah, absolutely..." My mind had long deserted from our conversation. "Oh Freya, I'd really appreciate it if you could keep this between us. I want to get back at her." I faked a smile, trying my hardest to disguise my fury.

"I don't know... what's in it for me?"
Hm… I was both confuse and angry I could think.

"Give me your phone." She said seeing my confusion and inability to come up with something.

I did.

"Here: my number and my name. When you think of something, give me a ring."

"Let's see if you can keep a secret first." I smiled, trying to escape this awkward situation when I already had a girlfriend and was in love with my foster sister.

"I promise to really try if you give me a call soon."

"We'll see." I said

"Cocky..." She smiled. "Well goodbye, Dennis she said making an exit.

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