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Chapter 15

"Hi, Freya I can see you came to see my brother.
I froze in place.

"Keran, I'm... I'm so sorry."

"So am I... now get out of my house."

"Keran, don't be like that, please. I really like …”

"F**k you! Get the f**k out of my house! Now!" Keran screamed

she ran all the way down the stairs, and promptly after, the front door slammed.

A disturbing silence could be heard now, She pushed pass me and threw my door open. My foster sister stood in my doorway, her eyes flaming with wrath.

"This is my room, Keran. You can't open my door without knocking first and acquiring my permission."

She slowly paced in response. Although her body language conveyed fury, her eyes now transmitted less anger and more hurt.

"From the look of you in your briefs and from the smell in here, is it safe for me to assume you two were f**king?"

"A clever assumption indeed," I maliciously confirmed. "I think you'd be quite successful as a police detective, assuming your professional poker career would prove unprolific."

She nodded while slowly pacing to my bed. "I thought you were going to stay away from her.”

"Well, I tried, but... and then she couldn't stay away from me... you know how these things are."

Her eyes welled up with tears, which completely caught me off guard. "How could you do it to me, Dennis? Why do you keep hurting me?!"

"I'm hurting you? That's such a fat  joke. You've got a lot of nerve, Keran. Why don't you take your sore pussy out of here."

She shook her head while a sudden gush of tears cursed down her cheeks. "I can't... believe how cruel you are. You're getting off of hurting me... how could you do this to me, Dennis?!"

"I told you I was able to get hard without you; you just didn't want to ….."

She hurled an item at arms length to her at my face. I ducked, and it landed on my computer.

"WHAT THE F**K?! Are you insane?!!"

She opened my bedside table drawer and began thrusting at me whatever she could get her hands on. I did my best to dodge her ruthless assault; nonetheless,  she managed to successfully target my face more times than I would have liked.

"Keran, stop! You're hurting me!! You f**king—stop! It hurts!"

"It hurts?!" she cried. "You don't know what hurt is!! You're the most vicious person... on the face of the earth. You broke my heart, Dennis..." She covered her eyes, sobbing as loudly as I had ever heard anyone sobbing.

"Yeah?! Well at least when I f**ked someone else, I didn't advertise it to your face! What the f**k are you doing here anyway?! Shouldn't you be out clubbing with your boyfriend?!"

"What am I doing here?" She shook her head. "I just broke up with my boyfriend... so I could come to my brother and tell him... that I'm in love with him and that I can't be with anyone else but him... "Only to find him... screwing one of my best friends..." She crumbled on my bed.

I got up and walked to her not knowing what to say.

"That is what you want, don't you?! For me to suffer! For me to cry every day! Otherwise, you wouldn't hurt me all the time!"

"No, baby, I don't want to hurt you. I want... you know what? F**k you! You gave him your virginity! Why can't I f**k someone after you were bleeding for hours?! Huh?!"

"You don't know what you're talking about!"

"I don't?! Please tell me if the following rings a bell: 'I swallow his disgusting cum twice a day, Dennis', 'I'm sweating his cum at the gym', 'He tried f**king me up the ass after he cracked me open two weeks ago'... you f**king whore."

She kept sobbing but didn't respond.

"And you come here and tell me that I'm doing the hurting?! I mourned for two f**king weeks for this, so don't you dare tell me what hurt is."

"I never f**ked him! You f**king moron!" She picked the box of tissues off my bed and sniffled. "I never slept with him... I never sucked his cock, either... did you honestly think I could be with anyone but you?!"

I was flabbergasted, my mouth agape.

"I love you, Dennis... I can't... and you f**ked Freya. You betrayed me... you've broken my heart."

"Then why did you say you did?! You obviously noticed you were getting me rattled since you were smirking like an evil bitch!"

"I wanted to hurt you for giving up on me!"

"That's just great... and what did you think would happen after you shattered my heart? Did you seriously think I wouldn't f**k anyone?!"

"I thought you couldn't …

"Get hard without you, well let me break it to you doc foster bond was a success.You hurt me bad, Keran. And for the record, I didn't give up on you. I was—"

"You didn't give up on me?! I told you I was going to f**k him, and you let me go! What do you call that if not giving up?!"

"I didn't think you'd go through with it. I needed more time—"

"More time for what?! You're in love with me, and I'm in love with you! What else did you—"

"I was struggling! I still am! It's not easy for me like it is obviously for you! And I just broke up with Amber, and I was in a bad place emotio—"

"None of this is relevant anymore." She stood up, fighting to contain her tears. "I will never forgive you for this. I will never... any chance for us to ever be together has just died... when you f**ked her."

I suddenly felt a painful tightening in my chest at the thought of us not being together. "Keran, no, don't say that. You just need to calm down, baby."

"No. How can I forgive you? From the very beginning, it was only me who was pushing for this, and you... didn't lift a finger. You never fought for me, you never wanted me... congratulations, Dennis, I've officially given up on you, and this time... you can take it to the bank."  With that she stormed out if the room.

FOSTER BOND # BOOK 2 (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora