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Chapter 4
Part 2

The next few days, I was furious with my foster sister. She had played me like a fool, and I wasn't going to let her get away with it. I started plotting my retaliation.

Thursday at 8 p.m., Keran texted me to join her. I entered her room and saw her sitting on her bed as stunning as ever in her crop top and boxer shorts. How much I had missed her for the past two weeks.

"Hi," she whispered.

She didn't seem mad at me anymore. I guess those two weeks had given her the chance to cool down
"Hi.” I said taking a seat next to her.

She pulled me to her for a prolonged hug and kissed me on the cheeks a few times, and I reciprocated. My goodness, I missed her... even so, I was relieved to see that she respected our strict rules—since we were not allowed to kiss on the mouth anymore, with two weeks ago being an isolated incident. I have missed you Dennis.

It didn't stop her lips, though, from "accidentally" brushing against mine a few times when she alternated between my cheeks. She found great pleasure in putting my feeble will to the test, and I, more than once, was about to snap and ravish her pretty mouth. There was just so much sexual tension between us; tension that should never exist between siblings, even I we where not blood related constantly lurking, waiting for one or for the both of us to crumble under its relentless pressure.

"How've you been?" she asked, shuffling the cards.

"Good. You?"

"Good. Really good."

I was trying to decipher what she'd meant by that, praying that she wasn't referring to her boyfriend, but since I wasn't allowed to ask I said nothing.

We started playing, and for the first time in a long time -- I was winning. Keran seemed flummoxed by that and was constantly observing me as if she suspected that it couldn't be happening.

"Your skills are mighty impressive tonight," she said, insinuating.
Of Couse I had practiced, practiced so badly, I had a few couple of friends at the tables who where more than good and happy to teach me some of their mastering skills and cheating skills as well.
"Thank you. I'm planning on getting my two wins tonight as a compensation for not winning at all for a few months now."

She was noticeably irritated. "Don't get ahead of yourself, D."

"O am jinx today, you know him right, the famous poker player?" I genuinely asked.

She squirmed on the bed nervously. "Uh... I donno."

I won the first game, which had an immediate impact on the rest of the night since for the first time in months -- there would be no oral play this week.

"Keran, are you okay?"

She seemed confounded, looking down at her cards, and then at mine. "I don't understand... how did you..."


She looked up from the cards a few seconds later. "Dennis, are you cheating here?"

"Why would you think that? What, am I not allowed to win anymore? It's not like you're a pro or anything."

She stared deeply into my eyes, studying my face. "Something's up; I know it."

"Wow, Keran, you have gotten to be such a sad loser. I guess that winning streak had a lot to do with it, though don't worry, you're now facing a totally different player, so be ready to start a losing streak now."

"We'll just see about that," she hissed. "Shuffle."

A little more than halfway through the second game, I was leading but not by much, yet Keran was getting very agitated and was sweating, darting her eyes from me, to the cards, to the chips, and back to me again.

"Dennis, if you're f**king cheating, I swear to my goodness..."

"Keran, I have more experience than you in poker. You didn't even know how to play before I taught you! Don't patronize me. I just studied a bit online, and the results are in front of you. Now chill, and let's finish this game. I have plans, so much plans." I said with a smile on my face.

"What plans? To go to your whore?! Huh?! To go f**k her?!"

"Don't call her that and calm the f**k down!"

She breathed a little. "I'm not feeling well right now, so we'll have to continue this next week."

"Oh, no we don't. If you stop the game, it's the same as forfeiting, and that would mean I will have two wins, your rules keran."

She shook her head. "Over my dead body."

"A little dramatic, but alright then. I call."

"What do you have?"

"You show fir—"

"What the f**k do you have?!"

"Christ," I said, shocked. "A Ten."

There was a ten on the bed which gave me a pair of tens.

She shook her head, seething. "You mother f**ker... I f**king nailed you!! You're cheating!"


"Because there's an ace and a king on the bed, and you called with a significant amount of chips when I was clearly betting like I had at least kings. If not aces! Not to mention that I raised preflop!"

"That means you don't have a king or an ace, which means I won the pot."

"No. It means that you knew that I didn't have a king or an ace; otherwise, it would've been the stupidest call I've ever seen, and since you seem to produce good guesses all night, it is obvious that you're cheating! Did you Morris the cards?!"

She started turning over the cards, painstakingly scanning them.

"Keran, this is really desperate. Let's finish our—"

"F**king son of a bitch! What the f**k do you call that?!!"

She showed me a subtle Morrising on the back of one of her card.

"I don't know what it is."

"F**k you! You've been staring at my cards all night! If I were a betting woman, which I am, I would bet that I would find more Morrisings like that one."

She soon discovered all the Morrisings I'd made prior to our game when she was at work.

"Son of a bitch!" She flung the Morrised cards at my face.

"It doesn't revoke my win or the fact that I'm about to annihilate you with less than twenty minutes till the hour. You're in a really bad shape now." I said camly.

"Are you kidding me? Not only it revokes your win, but it also gives me both wins since you've cheated!"

"I don't think our agreement states anything about cheating, and since I'm pretty sure it doesn't, you're losing here. Twice."

"This is sportsmanship! You imbecile! It doesn't need to be written as it's a part of any game, and the codes are all the same no matter what you play. I'm very sorry for your loses, but your whore is going to have to wait."

"Stop calling her that!"

"F**k you! I'll call her whatever I like! And you be careful if you go f**k her because I'll know, and if you do it, then can you take a picture of me and talk to it for the rest of your life because you'll be f**king dead to me!"

"You know what?! F**k you! I've been had from the second I said yes to your f**king agreement! You are a professional poker player! This whole thing was rigged! You let me win, so long as I was losing at least once a night, but you're not letting me win anymore, are you?! I had no shot of ever f**king Amber because of your dishonesty and lies. You call that sportsmanship?! 'Oh Dennis, you really brought your A-game tonight,' 'Maybe you can teach me the rules...' f**k you!"

"How did you find out?"

"What difference does it make?! You played me!"

"You neglected to mention the fact that when you thought I didn't know poker you were more than happy with that arrangement, so I don't see the difference. In fact, you were thrilled to think that I didn't know how to play, so f**k you, you hypocrite! I didn't cheat, and both of our odds to win were the same, talent aside."

"How could you not tell me this? That you're a f**king poker prodigy? A pro?"

"Well, I couldn't tell you that when we started playing, could I?!"

"So you concocted this plan, this agreement, that you'd have total power to influence our relationship however you saw fit, and then you go and say that I ruined your life?! You've ruined mine! F**king poker pro!"

"This is exactly why I did that! We didn't have any clue about each other! We didn't know anything! Just like complete strangers."

"Well, apparently, I still don't know shit about you since you're a conniving bitch that still keeps secrets from me after I bared my soul to you. At least when we were complete strangers, I wasn't in this f**king mess I am today!"

"But I was going to tell—"

"You've ruined my life! You exploited my problem to f**k with my mind!"

"I didn't exploit your problem! I was looking for some time with you"—tears sprang to her eyes—"and you didn't want anything to do with me, and I wanted you to get something out of it, also. By the time I realized it started changing things... it was too late!"

"F**k you!"

"I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't want to... fall in love with you."

"You could've f**king stopped it when you saw it was getting us confused! You could've have kept winning like you do now instead of getting me to think about you in—" I sprang to my feet—"this is all your f**king fault, and you don't deserve any consideration."

"Maybe it is my fault, but it doesn't change the fact that it's done! It's our reality now! We're in love! Face it!"

"That's where you're wrong. It's not my reality. It will never be my reality." I opened the door.

"Dennis, don't do anything you'll regret on later, I'm warning you. If you hurt me, if you f**k her... I will never forgive you."

"You're really sick. Do you know that?" I walked out.

"Dennis!” she yelled

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