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I woke up the next day so depressed I could barely get myself out of bed after two hours of lying completely awake and staring at the same dot on the wall without so much as blinking. Ultimately, I unlocked my phone and saw that I had a few texts.

"I already miss you..." Amber texted at 7 a.m..

great adding fire to the furnace.

I texted her back, "I miss you even more. Don't text me again. It's too hard."

I had another text from Keran at 8:00 am "Sweetheart, I didn't sleep at all last night. I can't keep going like this... I want us together. Call me when you wake up."

More good news...

Another text at 10:02, "So, are you planning on calling me anytime soon?"

It was Freya, Keran's friend. I had no idea where she'd gotten my number from.

I showered and sat in front of my computer barely able to do anything.

As I was getting a beer from the fridge, I got a text, "Maybe we rushed into this whole breakup too soon. I'm not sure about it now. What do you think?"

I texted, "We did the right thing. My problem is still here, and it's not going away anytime soon. I'm hurting just as much as you are, but you'll feel better soon, I promise. I'm begging you: Don't text again."

Forty minutes later, another text, "I don't mean to come off as the aggressor here, but you can text back with some sort of reply... maybe?"

I ignored Freya. She was the last thing on my mind.

Fifteen minutes later, the love of my life texted, "Dennis, I know you're hurting, but I'm hurting with you... I love you, and I want us to talk tonight when I get home. Please be there. I'm home in less than an hour. Text me back, baby."

I had no idea what to do with Keran anymore. I wanted her so badly that I was willing to seriously consider committing to her, to us, as lovers.

I texted my foster sister, "I'm home. I love you. I miss you. I don't know what to do anymore."

She texted half-minute later, "OMG, that's it, sweetheart, let go... I'll be home really soon, and I'm taking you out. I love u..."

I got dressed and went downstairs to make a cup of coffee before my foster sister returned. As I was sipping my coffee in front of the TV, there was a knock on the door.

I got up to answer it. "Yes?"

"Hi, you must be Dennis. We haven't been introduced yet, but I'm your foster sister's boyfriend, Morris. It's very nice to meet you."

You gotta be f**king kidding me...

I was rendered speechless for what seem like a life time but just a couple of seconds "Um, likewise... does my foster sister know you're here?"

"No, it's a surprise. I'm planning on taking her out to celebrate our two-month anniversary, and since she told me she'd be here at around now, I took the initiative."

I couldn't believe this was happening. "That's just... awesome. Please, come in." I was determined no to be a jerk at this one, hoping and praying he did not do something to make me snap.

I let him in and offered him a hot beverage. We then conversed fleetingly. He was a decent guy; more than decent even, although I hated to admit it to myself. He was a 23 year-old college graduate and had started a good job and drove a nice car. He was good-looking and really seemed like a guy I would be happy for Keran to be dating, had I not been in love with her that is.

Keran and our mother returned home a few minutes after he showed up, and my foster sister looked horrified to see both of us.

"Morris, what are you doing here?"

"Surprise! Happy two-month anniversary, babe."

He kissed her on the mouth and gave her the rose he had brought with him.

"Morris, you can't just come to my—"

"What a lovely rose!" Mom joined us. "I'm assuming you're Keran's boyfriend?"

My foster sister made the introduction but stared into my eyes all the while with an apologetic, apprehensive look.

“It was nice getting to meet you Morris” I said with a fake smile collecting my jacket.

"Dennis!" Keran called. "Where are you going?"

“Likewise Dennis”

"Don't mention it. I'm really happy you have such a nice boyfriend, Keran. Enjoy your night." I walked out ignoring my foster sister.

My foster sister stormed out after me a second later. "Dennis, wait!"

I turned to face her. "Keran, don't. Go out with him and have fun. You deserve to have fun. He's a great guy; you did good."

"Don't do this, sweetie. I'll send him home, and we'll go out. Don't shut away again, please."

"This is fate, honey. This is the universes telling us to drop the act, besides I think he’s great, perfect if you ask me for you being scared! This is you making excuses again! Stop with this, Dennis, I'm begging you... I'm sending him home."

I seized her arm. "Don't. You owe it to yourself and to me to give this a shot. Give him a shot, Keran. He might surprise you. Again."

"You just don't get it! There isn't—"

"Aren't you going to get ready, babe?" her boyfriend asked as he joined us outside.

"Morris, this is really—"

"Yeah, she was just asking me for advice on what to wear." I gave a false chuckle. "As if I know anything about dresses... happy two-month anniversary!”


FOSTER BOND # BOOK 2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now