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I went out to a new bar, I was more than dragged by a couple of friends that had seen me all gloaming. As we sat there, I instantly started intoxicating myself, dulling the pain in my heart of not seeing Amber anymore, of knowing I had to let Keran go... so much pain. Keran was texting me like mad that whole night, calling me names, attacking me, threatening me, which wasn't very helpful to say the least. Amber, on the other hand, didn't text anymore, and my friends were busy hitting on girls for the duration of our time there.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. I'm-Too-Good-To-Call-Or-Write-My-Fans. What's up, D.”

"Freya," I said, incorporating puzzlement "What are you doing here?"

"Not stalking you if that's what you think."

"No, I didn't mean that."

That was exactly what I was thinking.

"Kay... glad we're on the same page. Enjoy your night." She walked away.


She walked back. "Yeah?"

"I apologize I didn't text back. I was having... not the best of days."

"So it appears if judging by your face and by the ridiculous number of empty shot glasses that are ambushing your phone."

We laughed.

It was the first time I laughed that day.

"Are you always that funny?"

"What, this? I wasn't even trying."

I nodded. "What are you having?"

"Whatever you're having."

Get the lady a drink—"please." I said to the bartender, turning back to Freya. "Aren't you going to sit?"

"Oh, you're inviting me to join you? So you actually want my company?"

I smiled a guilty smile. "Fair enough; I deserve it. I apologize for the second time. Please.".

"I dunno..." She glanced back at some table.

"Freya, I'm not taking no for an answer. Sit."

"That's more like it."

We drank together for a couple of minutes, which helped me considerably not to obsess over Keran's night out or my poor Amber. Freya was quite amusing in addition to being hot, and I could see why she and my foster sister liked each other. They both had a similar sense of humor, and as it turned out, they both also had pretty nifty fake ID's.

"So, what's your story?" She sipped her beer. "What do you have to be so gloomy about?"

"I wasn't honest with you that night at the movies. I had a girlfriend, but for some f**king reason, I didn't mention her."

"I see... 'had'? She broke up with you 'cause you didn't mention her? She sounds like a ball buster anyway. Looks like you dodged a bullet."

We laughed.

"You're funny, Freya." I reduced the contents of my beer to half. "I have to say that after the day I've had, I could use a little funny."

"Well, funny could also use a little bit of you."

Our eyes locked as tension suddenly built out of nowhere.

When I realized she had no intention of breaking it, I averted me eyes and sipped my beer. "There's more to my story though. I'm also in love with a different girl."

"And the plot thickens... now I understand why I didn't get that call. Though it's a good thing that I've run into you here. I was beginning to think I might have lost my mojo. Or boobs."

We laughed again.

“Mr. Bartender, if you please another..."

He handed me another bottle.

"Slow down. I don't want to drag you home barfing. What would your sister say?"

"Oh, don't you worry about her," I bitterly crooned. "She's out celebrating her two-month anniversary with her boyfriend."

"Morris? He's a great guy, isn't he?"

"You've met him," I said, stating a matter of factual yet looking for more information.

"Yeah. They seem really good together."

"Do they now... splendid."

"So back to you: That girl you're in love with, doesn't love you back?"

"It's complicated."

"She does love you back, but..."

"But it's complicated.

Her phone rang, so she took the call while I had the bartender reading my next bottle.

"You're pretty awesome, Freya. I'm glad to have had the chance to know you better."

She nodded. "Listen, if you ever need someone to talk to or just... need a pep talk, you have my number."

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

FOSTER BOND # BOOK 2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now