Chapter 16

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"Mel ," I trail off as I look down at our hands and back up to her eyes
" I think the world of you, when your upset , I'm upset , I'll fight for you , I'll protect you as much as I can , you deserve the world and more and I'm sorry I can't give that to you but I'm giving you the best I've got and I always will , I love the way your crystal blue eyes are able to see right through me , I love seeing your perfect smile across your face , I love hearing you laugh, I love the way you Aren't afraid to be yourself around me, how you like to have fun and be stupid , how you are willing to stand up for yourself and not hide away, I love the way you play with your fingers when your nervous and the way you flip your hair because you know you slay " I smile as she laughs at the last part
"And I know you've got insecurities, flaws , weaknesses , your anxiety and confidence, but you are perfect to me and always will be , remember that " I say as I squeeze her hands and look into her eyes , " I'm not forcing u , I'll wait until your ready if that means I get to have you , if I'm moving too fast , tell me, if I am but we all know we've felt something for each other for atleast 6 month or so, I really , really , really like you , a lot , Amelia Cantwell , do the honours of being my girlfriend , please ? " i ask smiling as she begins laughing
"Yeah I'll do you the honours " she says mocking me "of course I'll be your girlfriend " as says with a big smile ,
I make this girl happy and as long as I know it's me making her happy it makes me feel even happier .

She pulls me on top of her as we both lean in ,
Our lips finally touch , making me feel sparks through my whole body ,
damn , a girls never made me feel this way before , ever .
We pull away , breathless from kissing for what felt like ages ,  we kiss one last time and we both pull away smiling into the kiss .

"You were so romantic about all this , that speech , the way you've did all this , aren't you cute" she teases as I laugh.

After our cute little date and me finally wining over the girl of my dreams , we go back to the flat , happier than ever , hand in hand
"What about all that ? You not sorting it out ?" Mel asks confused
"That's where Blair comes in, he helped me set it up and hes gonna help me tidy it "
I pick up my phone and ring Blair with my free hand . "Blair ? We're on our way home now "
"Okay , that's my call , you get home I'm leaving the flat now I'm gonna sort it " he speaks through the other end of the phone .
"Thanks dad , in abit " I laugh as I hang up the phone

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