Chapter 34

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When I finish this book should I do one about joey Birlem or Grayson Dolan? Pls comment who

I Once read that two broken people trying to heal eatchother is the realest love you can find. Is it ?

I told everything to Harvey last night , he promised not to say a word to mum or dad about any of it . He replied to the boys messages And Erin about asking if I was okay for me , Brooklyn even text , he replied to them all because I wasn't in the right state of mind to, he told me that no matter what , he will always be there for me , he also said he won't fall out properly with brook because he knows how much worse it will make me feel and how it will make the full situation , he actually said he believes we belong together and that at some point , we will get back together because we love each other,

I'm so lucky to have a brother like him , I adore him we have such a cute relationship ngl and I'm so proud of him it's insane .

"Come on get ur lazy arse out of bed " Harvey comes in my room waking me up
"I've got nothing to get up for " I sigh
"Yes you do , heartbroken isn't an excuse "
"I wanna be heartbroken, just to feel what love is " I start singing stupidly
" your gonna get up , make yourself look gorgeous even know your slaying rn anyways , then ur gonna come to hasta luego  dance rehearsals  with me "
"Why? "
"Because your not sitting here upset , your my little sister and it will do you more good than harm to get out , that's what you need, instead of being in here alone and sad "
"I'll have mum and dad "
"Nice try kid but their going to the shopping centre all day , atleast be proud of me , I'm making my music video and I've asked you to be a back up dancer because damn you can dance and I love you , So your going to do it with Soph , supporting Malu on her side , it's just rehearsals but your going in the video so you kinda need to come , the boys are gonna be there too "
"I am so proud of you and I love you lots but I don't wanna -"
"Don't wanna face brook"
"Yup, why does they even have to come for ?"
"Because their my mates and they always come to have a laugh and moral support , since we're all close and they've got nowt better to do today behind the scenes and shit i don't really know tbh but Listen girl , you slay , show him what he's missing , have fun , please "
"Okay" I smile  as I hug harv
"Hurry and get ready then" he laughs as he leaves my room
"Oh and harv"
"Yeah ?"
"Ilove you too you freak "

I connect eyes with Brooklyn before he just looks down . I'm gonna slay today and I'm gonna show him what he's missing , yes girl .

As the boys are sitting at the side chatting , laughing , being silly or should I say their normal selfs , brook doesn't seem himself , I obviously know why, as much as I'm annoyed and angry with him, I just wanna go and hug him , I know we love each other , it just takes time .

And we start dancing , moving my hips and flipping my hair with a smile, going with the dance routine , Harvey in the middle with me and Sophie on each side .

Brooks p.o.v
Damn look at her
She's amazing wow
Like just look at her
She slays allll day
She's fucking - wow
Ive never seen anything like her
She's so strong and brave too
Little heartbreaker
She's standing strong not letting no boy get in her way , that's my girl
I honestly do love her
I adore her

But why did I do that ?

"Look at her go , damn girl" rye nudges me as he whispers in my ear
"I know , I know , everything about her is perfect and I messed up and I dunno what to do no more rye "
"You need to fight for her , show her she's worth it , show her you love her , show your not willing to give up"

Amelia's p.o.v
I was sitting on the side on my phone when I got a notification 'roadtriptv uploaded a video - Anne Marie 2002'
I look over to the boys as I get the notification and quietly listen to it on the other side of the room .
"I will always remember , the day you kissed my lips , light as a feather" Brooklyn opens the video by singing those lyrics , he looks serious , maybe he was thinking of me , am I joking..... maybe just because those lyrics got to me because I thought of him, what if he just doesn't care ?

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