Chapter 2

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Amelia - harv where are u ? Mum & dad have went out xx
Harv- over at the boys come over if u like we're gonna go to Nando's xx
Amelia - Omw your paying for me! Xx
Harv-okay🙄 see u soon xx

I arrive at the boys house and don't even bother knocking , as soon as I walk in I get embraced into a group hug as each of the boys jump on me
"Ameliaaaa!" Rye shouts
"We've missed youu!" Brooklyn screams
"I can't breathe" mikey shouts
"Little cantwelll " Andy says
"Give her some space" jack says as all of them get up off me and we all begin to laugh
"God harvey I thought i was gonna die you could have helped your sister out " I say sitting on the sofa in the boys room next to him
"Nah it was quite fun to watch you get harassed by them idiots if I'm honest" he cheeky smiles at me and I roll my eyes
"Can we go to Nando's now ? That's all I came for "
"Oh so you didn't come to see your favourite, Brooklyn then no ? " rye winds me up as Harvey shoots him a glare
"Bro I was kidding chill " rye says in defence putting his hands up as I just put my head down to look at the floor
"Nando'sssss lets goooo" Andy screams and mikey and jack join in trying to quickly change the atmosphere in the room

Once we finish our Nando's , we walk back to the boys house and I stay there for abit.
"Anyone want tea?" Rye asks
We all say yeah and me him and Brooklyn go in to help him carry the mugs out of the kitchen.
"Im sorry about before I was just winding u up Yano . I love ya really" Rye says to me nudging me playfully
"Ik you were it's fine Harvey's just abit protective of me " I roll my eyes
"Well it's not that much of a bad thing , I guess it can be annoying sometimes but he's just looking out for his beautiful little sister Yano " brook replies
"Yeah I get ya " I smile back faintly . He called me Beautiful , Ik he was only saying it to make me feel good and to be nice , but that's what makes it worse , I wish it was more than that I really do, I wish he meant it .

We walk back into the boys room and hand them all their cups of tea and I then FaceTime my best friend ellie
"Hey mel , you okay ?" She asks (Mel is what people call me short of Amelia )
"Yeah I guess u el?" I say clearly not being convincing enough
"Yeah I'm good but Ik your not."
"I am I promise u " I reply trying to sound more happier than before
"Don't try lie to me Mel your my bestfriend of 10 years, I know you more than you know yourself . " she says firmly
"It's just the time of the month Yano ?"
I tell her
"Yea I understand ugh I hate being a girl " she responds trying not to cause a fuss as she realises I'm at the boys house . Although she dosent belive me , that's one of the best things me and her have , she won't make a fuss if she knows I won't tell her and she knows I'm at the boys house so she just goes with it .

Falling for my brothers bestfriend •BWTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang