Chapter 46

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We walk through the door hand in hand and everyone turns to us .
"I'm sorry for doing that in front of yous but we're family so are you all okay with me and I'm not gonna apologise , we're just gonna get on with it , he's done stuff and that's why I've reacted like that as u can imagine why and hopefully understand, we will just try move on yeah?" Brook asks straight upfront putting it off for no longer
"Brooklyn get out"
"We hate u"
They all begin to mess around stupidly and we begin to laugh
"Course man after all we're family, we love yous we don't pick sides ! " they Say agreeing as we all group hug.
After all , we do love and care for rye , he's our family but this isn't the time , it's a rough patch at the moment but we'll get through it . I love this family even when we go through rough stages .

We're all sprawled out in the front room , (the Mindy room) and we're watching a film , me , brook , Erin, mikey, Harvey, Andy and jack and rye is in his room which I feel bad about but he can come out when he wants I guess .
Were all chilling, having a laugh together, joking around , then we order deserts delivered .

I decide to post the Instagram photo that he's just recently took, I got To admit , this pic is sorta cute , something about it gives me butterflies to look at I love that boy so much .
I love snuggling with him

AmeliaxcantwellMy one and only, I love you tons and tons , stacks and stacks , hundreds and thousands , forever and always 💘

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My one and only, I love you tons and tons , stacks and stacks , hundreds and thousands , forever and always 💘

Rye comes walking in , taking his milkshake from the table, he looks to me then brook before looking down and going to his room.
"You think I should go speak to him ?"
"Probably, but babe , no fighting, please"
Me and brook have a quiet conversation which only us can hear .
"I promise , no fighting baby" he kisses my head as he exits the room.

Brooklyns pov
I quickly knock on the door three times but there was no answer so I walk straight in .

As soon as I enter his room , his head shots up towards me , making eye contact  , shocked, I get full view of his face and identify it .

A bruise around his eye, shaping around the side of his face , showing his swollen cheekbones , and a small cut on his lip .

, me,
I did this ,
to him,
he's meant to be my best friend , my brother . But he done things too I shouldn't feel guilty , should I ? , I just didn't realise I was capable of doing this much damage .

"Look I don't really know how or where to start , but Amelia told me everything, and I mean , everything . " I say in a low tone , braking the silence .

"I'm sorry this is gonna really piss you off, and I don't blame you , it would with me too , but I figured it's best to be honest " rye speaks up, looking down , with a serious tone laced in his voice .

"I like her -"
He paused

All I can feel is a pit of fire in my stomach , I clench my jaw and fist , not saying anything

"I can't control my feelings , I'm sorry "

I don't want to hurt Him again , but I'm scared I might , this is killing me .

In reply , I nod my head slightly , clenching my jaw , with a serious expression painted across my face.

"I know you can't control your feelings , unfortunately, I understand, I guess, but we're a family , we can't fight , i can't stand this , or even knowing you like her , but please , try forget about this , I don't want us to break as a bond and it affects everyone around us and it feels so wrong knowing U like Amelia , I'm sorry rye , I hate knowing u like her for the fact it will be upsetting you , but I love her and I can't stop that , you have to except us and move on , I know you will find the one , this is just a confusing mess , you don't have feelings deep down , do you ?" I speak , in more of a softer tone

"I guess not as you would imagine love to be like no , I don't want to ruin yous , and I don't want to Ruin us , I love you and all of yous , I will move on , I'm sorry , I know this will be hard for you also , we will and can move past this "

"I'm sorry for your face " I reply looking down
"We good" he smiles lightly as I return one and we gently hug each other .

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