Chapter 44

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Ryes turning into a fuckboy, like literally he's bringing a girl home one night , then the next with another girl , I'm sick of seeing different girls in the house all the time , I wonder if they know how much of a fuckboy he is ? Why's he turned like this ? I don't get it , it's annoying  me so much man!

Today's the day Brooklyn comes home and I'm so excited to see him in his new home and to actually have him out , damn I love that boy .

"Where we going ?" Brook asks confused
"Wait and see gorgeous " I smile back at him

"Surprise" I say excitedly as I give him a set of keys and he opens the door
"The boys and you have got a new house , and it's all decorated and Harv will be living there part time , it's all nice and bigger for yous and it means you get more space , I'll be around more often " I smile as he pulls me by my hips , closer to him and places his plump lips on mine . "Iloveyou " he smiles into the Kiss.

After a welcome home from everyone and a good catch up , everyone leaves and it's me , Erin , Harv and the boys left as we're chilling .
"Oh here he is " Harvey turns and looks at rye as he finally comes out his room.
"Hey , welcome home it's good to see you better bro " rye comes over to brook as he's sitting on the sofa and ruffles his hair as he walks past us .
"Rye!" A girls voice shouts
"2 seconds babe " he replies back
"Who's that this time ? " I ask in front of everyone , abit pissed off as this girl comes walking in giving me dirty looks .

"Do you see the way she's looking at me? Who the fuck does she actually think she is ?" I turn to whisper at brook and he grips my thigh with his hand.

"Who are you ?" I ask half politely as me and rye make eye contact
"I'm ryes girlfriend, and who are you?" She asks with an attitude
Ew this bitch
"I'm sorry don't you mean , your ryes 6th fuck this week ? He don't have no girlfriend to me " I say rudely as rye gives me a look with his eyes widened . Gesturing me to shut up .

"Don't get cheeky "
"Does she want fucking smacked ?" I say to Erin, clenching my jaw .
"Do you want to sort that slut of yours out or should I ? I'm guessing she didn't know about all these other girls you've had not so long ago no, or how much of a fuck boy you are now, is this Lauren , or Rachel , or Chloe ? I can't keep fucking count" I begin to shout .

" Amelia just shut the fuck up " rye shouts fustrated  as he comes closer to me and I stand up , now almost in each other's face , Harvey and Brooklyn stand up around us as Erin and mikey try calm everyone down .

"It wasn't that when you told me you liked me , or when you held my hand and kissed me was it ?!" I shout , the atmosphere getting heated and angry .
"You fucking what?!"
Shit Brooklyn
Now Harvey's looking at me
And ryes attention is on me
And everyone just freezes for like 2 seconds which feels like forever for me , with the angriness in the air
This is too much

"Um if I was you I would get out and not come back " Erin says as she rushes who ever that girl was, out the house .

"Stop!" I shout
"Please man boys just stop!" I begin to scream getting abit teary as fists are getting flung around and everything is crazy.

Mind though , Brooklyn can fucking fight , like holy damn look at him , he's scary but so so sexy wow,
Jaw clenched punching like the hulk wow
Like how even tho his other arms broke ?
He's sexy
He's strong
My mans

Ok Amelia this isn't the time.

I switch off and get back into reality .

"Please just stop !"
"Pack it in boys man please !" I scream as I cry slightly
Their not stopping
Fuck idk what to do
I can't take this no more this is crazy

I run out the house crying
My boyfriends best friend , and my brother' bestfriend , have just kissed me , My boyfriend has just got out the hospital and found out and now their having a big fight which I can't stop and their gonna get hurt and this is serious and everything is crazy and I just can't deal

Falling for my brothers bestfriend •BWKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat