Chapter 43

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"I'm sor-"
"It's fine" I reply as I cut him off

The walk back from subway was awkward but we're back at brooks room now . I feel guilty , I don't know why , well I do but I was the one who pulled away so should I ?
"There you go baby" I say as I help Brooklyn take off his mask and hold the oasis to his lips while he takes a drink .
"I'm scared incase like your eating but then you would have had your mask off for to long and then you like run out of breath and die "
"That's so un realistic " he laughs
"It's not funny I'm being serious " I playfully poke his cheek
"Give me the sandwich I'm starving , and I won't die " he laughs

3days later
The boys and Blair have arranged for the boys to get a new house , Brooklyn dosent know yet , we're keeping it a surprise for when he gets out of hospital , we think it's best for the boys to have more of their own space and there fore Sophie and Blair can have more of their time together .

We've already got the keys ,  now everyone (rye, Andy ,  jack, mikey, Harvey , Blair , Sophie , my mum, my dad, and Erin since she's down here for abit ) are helping decorate all the house in time .
Harvey's moving in with them but he is still gonna have his room at home as he will still stay here quite abit too.
I'm helping decorate too then when is visiting hours in the hospital , I'm changing and going to see brook.
Although their moving out, noting changes with Blair, their still gonna be so close and probably sit in his a lot too.

I'm excited for this change . And for Brooklyn to come home and see it all .

4 days since getting new house
The new house is basically finished , with help of this amazing family and a lot of team work , this is perfect .

I've been over at the boys house with Harv when I've not been with Brooklyn and rye seems really distant from me , I'll walk over next to him and he will walk away, I will try speak to him and he will cut me off and have short conversations , like he can't bare me , he's been staying in his new room most the time when I'm there and trying not to make eye contact with me . 
"why you being like this?" I walk into ryes room finally letting it out to him.
"like what ? "
"you know like what , I don't get it , one minute we're close , then you kiss me and hold my hand and whatever , then you turn on me automatically " I say getting abit more angrier
"Just forget it " he says looking down with no emotion .
"how tf can I forget it ?! It's not normal like obviously I'm confused and I need answers  rye  like you messed my head up , yes I love Brooklyn , but you can't just do this to me and leave me like this , this is fucking with my head man"
"I like you " he says emotionless as he walks out of his room , leaving me standing there , a confused mess , fuck damn no . He didn't just say that .

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