What a pretty name.

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A man pushed her into the hut, falling to her knees with a cry.

She was to begin to work tomorrow.

In the brick yard.

The man slammed the door behind her.

Olivia sighed, and pushed herself up.

She lifted her head up, to see dozens of eyes staring ack at there.


Olivia carried bricks and bricks on her back, taking them to the other workers who package them and send them to be sold.

She had already had back problems in the past, with alone her school back pack. All she could think about was the fear of never being able to walk again.

In the blistering heat, she stopped, and looked around her.

She had been given the task to carry the bricks. But even in her pain, it broke her heart as she watched children, no older than 6, pack the bricks together, and carry them to a pile where Olivia would carry them.

"Those children should be in school..." Olivia thought in anger as she watched a five year old carry three bricks to the pile.

Olivia stopped in fear as she watched what looked like a seven year old carry five bricks.

She watched in dismay as she weight of the bricks overwhelmed her, and fell onto her toes.

She began to sob.

Olivia threw the bricks off her back and ran like the wind to the child.

As Olivia cradled the child, Olivia noticed something that baffled her.

This girl was Caucasian.


Why was this girl here? Caucasians in Africa were often the rich.

Many things went through her head. How this girl's parents were, why she was here.

If she spoke English.

Olivia gave it a try.

"Hello." She held her closer.

The girl still clang to her. "Hello."

Olivia's face lit up.

"My name is Olivia." She whispered. "What's yours?"

The girl pulled away from her, and looked up into Olivia's eyes.

"Noel... Noel Tia."

Olivia smiled.

"What a pretty name." She knew she had a new best friend.

Mum(SkyDoesMinecraft Fan Fic ;) (Sequel to Sis and Bro)Where stories live. Discover now