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So, if you haven’t heard by now, there has been some hate going around the G/t community from some account, and they have been tagging innocent users that are trying to mind their own business, and attacking them for no good reason.

I just got some notifications of people tagging each other and telling them that they need to read what this user said about the G/t community. I was wanting to say something after reading what the ruckus was all about before school ended, but I couldn’t wait, I was too raged!!!

I’m not going to say who it is, because I don’t want anybody to track them down and give them hell. To me it’s just not right to fight fire with fire, so what’s the point at encouraging them to continue to argue? Unless they want to admit who they are, I’m keeping my mouth shut.

I just want to say that it’s just sad that people think it’s okay to hate on others just because they have their own opinion. I get it, people have different opinions than others, but it doesn’t mean that you should tag users and then explain why their content is “Absolutely Vile” or “Atrocious” and that they’re supposedly a “Toxic, vile person who is contributing to a disgusting fandom.”

I’m just quoting everything that has been said about these poor users, witch I’m not going to say who the victims are either, because I don’t want them to get more hate then they deserve, and quite frankly, they don’t deserve any of it!!!

They are just as free to write what they want to write as you and I, and this hater shouldn’t be so rude about it. They even mention in the comments that they’re “Expressing their own opinion, what’s wrong with that?”

And this is my answer to that question: It’s not bad that your expressing your own opinion, but it gets to the point where your dragging somebody down, and saying that they’re VILE HUMAN BEINGS! Your giving it your all to call them these mean names, and you find these reactions amusing! THAT, is crossing the line right there!!!

They also mention that everyone else who makes these G/t books are “Discusting” and “There are so many discussing accounts like these, I can’t even be bothered to list them. It’s absolutely vile-I can’t stand them.”

These are the words of this user. I feel that they are going to far and they think that they have the AUDACITY to bully OUR community and get away with it!!!

The other reason why I’m not saying the user of this person, is because I don’t believe that they should get the attention that they’re getting. It’s just showing them that if you talk bad about somebody, it would bring in all of the views, and we don’t want to shed one bit of light on that matter.

This is not what the Wattpad community is about. And I’m no longer talking about the author and their cruel words, right now I’m talking in general.

This is a community of Wattpaders, and we can write what we want, and we shouldn’t have to worry that someone is going to hate on what we love to do!

I have so much more to say about this, but I think I should let the other G/t Authors say it. That’s all the drama for today, please like this and if you want, let other users read this so we can let them know that this is not what Wattpad is all about!!!

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