Writers Block!!!

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I'm sorry I haven't been posting properly during the week, I have been busy with personal problems, school, family, etc. Im really sorry, and I promise I will post tomorrow on my other story!!!

And I have been getting the fever called writers block (ugh), so I won't be able to post tonight! Once again I'm very sorry I'll try to get a chappy for today least, but I'll for sure have one posted, and probably have it posted early, cuz tomorrow is my Prom!!! I cant wait!!! Ime going with a date and a few of my friends, so yup! Things are swell!!

Thank you guys for not getting mad when I miss a few days, it really makes me feel better after a long day of stress. Ive been driving back and fourth around town running errands day by day, and I never have the time to type, but when I do, I fall asleep the instant my head touches my pillow.

I hope to see all of my sweeties in the next chappy!!!


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