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Christopher was woken up by his email going off. Half asleep he wiped at his eyes, trying to focus. He saw David's name pop up in his email, he quickly woke pulling his computer into his lap. Clicking on the email, Christopher had nothing but butterflies in his stomach.

Everything here is fine, your Nona has been quiet the last couple of days. I think Sophia is secretly happy. Nona and I have been sitting in the orchard every night, she has me read my book. She critics the hell out of it, I guess that's the perks of being married to a college professor all those years. We talk for hours, she's been telling me about Elio when he was young, about her husband and about your dad. I know I would have loved to have come too, but my book is almost done, once your dad approves of the last draft, I'm done with it and can send it to my publisher. I miss you too, you will be back before you know it. I'm glad you and Valentina are having fun. I've got to run, it's time to read to your Nona.

Christopher must have had the stupidest smile on his face. He turned to his brother who was giving him a look as well.

"David?" Jona asked, Christopher nodded.

"Yeah, David."

"What are you going to do when we get back home and he stops kissing you?" Jona asked, Christopher shot him a dirty look.

"He wouldn't stop just because we are home."

"Yeah he will, you're 17 he's almost 25. That shits illegal back home, you do know he turns 25 soon right?" Jona struck a nerve he could tell. He knew his brother hadn't thought that far ahead. Christopher didn't respond, he just got up out of bed and jumped in the shower. Jona took a deep breath, he didn't mean to ruin his brothers big day. He got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom, he stood figuring out what to say.

"Maybe I'm wrong Chris, don't listen to me I don't know anything." Jona knew his brother heard him. Christopher didn't respond right away, but it was low and hateful.

"Don't be stupid Jona, I live in my head. I should know when we get back it's going to be different."

Jona grabbed his tooth brush and headed to his parents room, he knew his brother was upset, so he left him alone. Jona knocked on his parents door.

"Yes?" Elio asked.

"I need to use your bathroom."

"Come on in." Oliver replied. Jona walked in to see them lying in bed, his dad on the computer and Elio reading the London post.

"Thanks, I'm going to be quick."

"Why aren't you using your own bathroom?" Oliver asked looking over his glasses.

"Chris is in there and I kind of upset him this morning, nothing big just said something I shouldn't have." Jona rubbed the back of his neck, praying his dad wouldn't ask anymore questions.

"Well make sure you talk it out, I don't want you two beating each other to a pulp ok?"

"I know dad, we'll talk it out. I promise." He went to go turn quickly to the bathroom.

"How was your music thing last night?" Elio asked, not moving from behind his paper.

"Ah, it was pretty cool. I'm going to go back again tonight, met a few people."

"That's good, I'm glad you are enjoying yourself this summer." Elio replied.

The football match started at 1 o'clock and they were in their box seat before the ceremony began. Christopher's sad demeanor changed the closer they got to the match, Jona knew his brother would be on a high after this.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now