Letting Go

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"How long have you known?" Christopher was still sitting in the driver's seat of his Jeep.

"Since the summer."

"Does Elio know?"

"Yes, he knows. He actually pointed it out to me. Perlman men are very wise and observant."

"You two aren't mad at me are you?"

"No, look I'm not the father who punishes his son for who he is. I want you to be who you are and be happy. I didn't have a father like that. I know you are hurting right now, it seems like the world is falling down around you, but don't rush to get over this pain. This pain you are feeling in your chest right now, that says he means something to you. Don't throw that away, don't turn it into hate. You brought out the best in each other, I saw a version of you that I've not seen in a very long time, Christopher. You complement each other well, you, my little free spirit brought David out of his shell."

"Yeah, but what if I do grow to hate him? I think he has a choice in what's happening, but he doesn't see it that way."

"What do you mean, what happened?"

"Did you know his dad is the Mayor of New York?"

Oliver furrowed his brow and stared at Christopher in disbelief.

"No, but now I know why his last name stands out to me."

"When his parent turned their back on him and his grandmother found out she wrote his father out of the will. His dad was furious, had a private investigator follow David for months looking for something to hold over him."

"And that something is you, isn't it?"

Christopher nodded.

"His dad is going to run for president, which sounds weird. He told him no one is going to vote for him if they know he has a gay son. So either he willingly stops the lifestyle and marries a woman or his dad is going to force him to stop."

"He can't do that David is a grown man."

"David's family is rich, his dad is the Mayor. He told David that he knows too many powerful people that owe him favors, he can apparently make it happen."

"What kind of a man has his children so afraid of him that they will do anything not to get hurt even more?" Oliver was angry now, he couldn't imagine his son's being afraid of him.

"Apparently our Mayor. Can you do anything? You know a lot of rich powerful people."

"Sweetheart, I only know professors and socialites, no one in the political world."

"What about Uncle Stan?"

"Well he is a lawyer, he might know some people in that world. It doesn't hurt to ask. Now, do you think we can go inside and eat dinner?"

"I'm not very hungry, I think I'm just going to go to my room and got to bed."


By the time Christmas came Annella had flown in for a visit, she planned on staying just until after the new year but ended up staying until the end of February. Neither Oliver nor Elio minded, they wanted her there permanently but by the time it came close to March she missed Elios father and was ready to go back home.

She relished in the fact that Jona had starred in his school's performances of Rock of Ages. Annella clapped the loudest and did that strange loud whistle that she could do with just two fingers. Annella fussed over Christopher, she knew he was heartbroken and over who he was heartbroken by.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now