Feelings, I don't do them

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First day back on the football field and Christopher thought he was going to pop a lung.

"Dude, see what all that laying around and doing nothing but eating and drinking all the time has done to you." Jude poked at Christopher, Jude played center position.

"Fuck. Off. Man!" Christopher gasped for breath between each word. After practice he collapsed on the bleachers.

"Jesus! That was a hell of a work out, coach was on your ass! It was great! He wasn't yelling at me for once." Jude smacked his best friend on the leg. Christopher lifted his head, kicking Jude in the thigh.

"Bite me! I swear on everything that it holy I'm going to die before I can't even walk to my car!"

"Come on man, I gotta hot date with Kelly tonight. She said she'd let me go to 3nd base this time." Jude wagged his eyebrows.

"Jude you are a fucking romantic!" Christopher laughed.

"What she's been teasing me all summer, I deserve third base."

"No you don't, she could always say no, man."

"If she does I will legit cry."

"Yeah nothing sexier than a man crying, that will just get you dumped."

"Naw, she wouldn't do that, she likes me too much. She wants me." Jude winked at Christopher, who barked out a sudden laugh.

"Christ man, how did I go all summer without you? Life was so boring, I needed my wingman!"

"Speaking of summer, how are you still feeling about the David thing?"

Christopher sat up groaning as he did.

"Honestly I knew he wanted to stop the physical part of it when we got back but we never talked about it. I just didn't think he would jump into a relationship as soon as he got back."

"Are you sure you even like this guy?" Jude was prying now.

"Jude I don't do feelings and you know this."

"Yeah but dude you got really shitty, like hurt girlfriend shitty. Also when he walked into the backyard you almost swallowed your tongue."

"Yes, I was upset but all we did was have sex and fool around. I did the same thing with Valentina and I'm not upset because she's not emailed me. I emailed her a week ago and nothing." Christopher crossed his arms over is chest.

"So what you're saying is you don't care that Valentina hasn't responded to your emails. But you really care that David didn't and now that he's back with his boyfriend you are fine with it?"

"Whatever dude, just shut up." Christopher struggled to get up off the bleachers to storm off.

"See this is the joys of knowing you so well I can tell that you are feeling hurt by David because you don't wanna talk. You do this really defensive angry thing and it's actually kind of funny." Jude leaned back on the bleachers, smiling.

"No I don't, Jude you are full of shit." Christopher limped away.

"Alright but don't come crying to me when you realize that you aren't a heartless dick!" Jude called after him, Christopher shot his right arm up in the air and waved his middle finger.

"Yeah real mature Christopher! Hey you can't leave me here you're my ride!" Jude called after him, he got up running after the limping goon.

Back at the house Elio sat in the study listening and observing one of his new students, he was the last student to join the class. He had never officially auditioned for Elio before he left for B, so he had to do it in person before class started next Monday. Elio had heard the tape that he submitted and while he was perfect on tape Elio wanted to make sure that it was true in person.
He sat with his eyes closed, absorbing every tone that was played.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now