Our little game

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Betty's pov
I woke up this morning with anticipation I couldn't wait to see everyone at school. But I was most excited about seeing Archie. Even though he left me last night on the porch hanging.  But I like the teasing. I love the spark we have it's undeniable. Everyone knew we had a connection that was unbreakable until you know jughead and Veronica came in the picture. I think I need to break up with him soon it's really wrong to lead him on but it's also worse to just start dating his best-friend. We all got to school and everyone was talking about the new play riverdale was holding. I have always loved acting since you ever since I was young.
Veronica-" everyone's talking about this play."
Betty-" ya it seems cool."
Veronica- " oh my god guys we should totally audition." That filled me with joy I really wanted to do this.
Betty-" I'm down what about you guys." I turned to Archie and Jughead.
Archie-"uh whatever I guess I'm down, Jug?"
Jughead-" sorry that's not really my thing like at all."
Veronica-" come on jug please you don't have to do a big role you don't even have to sing, please do it it would be so fun. Just imagine the core four in a play."
Jughead-" what even is the play."
Veronica-"uh let me see, it's called Carrie omg I love that musical I watched when I was a little kid."
Jughead-"fine only because I watched it too." Everyone smiled he came over to me and put his arm around me. I felt Archie staring I looked straight into his eyes. And gave him this look like that's right.
The auditions
I wanted to play the role as Sue Snell  but Veronica really wanted to and Archie wanted to play the role as Tommy Russ and they have romance in the play so it's probably  better that I back down from the role. I decided I will just go for anyone and they can put me wherever they feel is best.
Veronica-"how did you guys think you did."
Betty-"I really don't know I hope they give a good role."
Veronica-"Betty tours definitely getting a good role your amazing."
Betty-"aww thank you Veronica. I guess we will see tomorrow." That day me and Archie barely talked we know we  shouldn't. I missed talking to him. But I guess we can't all get what we want. I got home and went upstairs to my room. Across I saw Archie at his window he was on his phone. I started to stare. He noticed and looked up from his phone straight into my eyes. He smiled so did I. We just stood there for awhile. The spark was back.  Then someone grabbed his attention it was Veronica. Veronica saw me we waved. I waved back and gave a fake smile and walked to my bed. I was really tired so I just went to bed.
The next day
I saw a huge crowd near a wall I realized it was the full cast list so I ran over there. Veronica turned around horrified I looked at the paper.

 Veronica turned around horrified I looked at the paper

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Oh my god. I got the role of Sue Snell I was so excited!!!! I started jumping in excitement and turned around to Archie. Then it all came to me I looked at the paper again and he got Tommy Ross. Oh no veronica is going to kill me.
Betty-"V I'm so sorry I just said to put me where ever they feel I fit I thought you would totally get that roll. If you feel uncomfortable with me playing that role I will totally step down."
Veronica-"B don't be silly It's completely fine so what you kiss Archie, I trust you, you guys are just friends."
I turned to Archie who turned to me it was silent. We just stood there looking at each other. I took his time to admire his perfections. Wow.
Archie's POV
Veronica-"B don't be silly It's completely fine so what you kiss Archie, I trust you, you guys are just friends." Oh god just friends I don't think we are just friends anymore.I turned to Betty who was already staring at me. We looked into each other's eyes and it was completely silent. I loved it when we did this it was my safe place. I don't know how long we were staring at each other for but it most of been to long.
Veronica-" hello guys are you guys ok Archie? Betty?" Right then it's like I woke up from my trance. I looked at Ronnie who looked concerned.
Betty-"ya your right Veronica were just friends." She stormed off. Veronica just looked confused
Jughead-"wow what happened?" After that I started running and running I wasn't even sure I knew where she was. I stopped running and decided to look around. Then I saw a perfectly straight blond ponytail and I knew exactly who it was. I entered Ms.Grundy's class and there she was just so beautiful. She turned around. I could see she was upset I went to go hug her. Her embrace was truly amazing and felt so good. I never wanted to let go of of her ever again. I finally let go and she just looked up at me.
Betty-"you shouldn't be here right now with me."
Archie-"but I want to be here right now with you."
Betty-"Archie I can't do this it can't happen again."
Archie-" I know Betty I know." It was quite for a moment and I started to look around. I realized this is the room we shared our first kiss. To think just 3 weeks ago I didnt even know how amazing this girl is. I knew what had to be done I had to break up with Veronica. But I should do after the play.
Archie-"Betty, do you know this was the room we first kissed."
Betty-" I know that's why I ran in here it's my safe place. Archie I never got to say this back at the cabin but I think I love you too. She walked out of the room. Without another word. Betty Cooper loves me.

I haven't seen Archie since I told him I love him too. I don't know why I said that but it needed to be said. I do love him, with everything in me.This is all so complicated. All I know is I'm excited for rehearsals I mean I just can't believe I got the role!! We all walked to rehearsals I tried to avoid Archie so Veronica would think anything was going on. We got to the theater and our director and a couple of kids were already there. Mr. Henry-" ah there's my lead star." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front I could feel Veronica's eye roll right now. Mr.Henry-"oh and my male lead." He grabbed Archie's arm and placed us right next to each other. We looked at each other with a confused face and quickly looked away. Mr.Henry-" ah can we have give a hand for our stars." Almost everyone clapped this felt weird but also sorta cool. I was never really they star of everything I was just you know the background. I could tell it was the opposite for V and she probably feels pretty uncomfortable right now. Mr.Henry-" okay today we are just running through lines getting familiar with the script, Betty Archie come here you guys have the most lines together so go in the back and get comfortable with each other you know all that stuff because your going to be togehter a lot. Great know I have to control everything I feel and have V breathing down my neck. We walked to the back and it was silent. Archie-"Betty I know this pretty awkward and you know with are situation, but  especially with Jughead and Veronica in the next room. Betty-"ya I know but listen we both got great roles and I couldn't of picked a better person to share that stage with this is going to be so much fun arch!" Archie-"I know this will be great." We went over our lines for a while it was weird for us to spend this much time with each other since we havent in awhile you know with our relationships and stuff it gets hard to hangout with Archie but I am really happy we can now. And I'm not gonna lie I'm kinda excited to kiss him. We were getting to the part where we kiss and I can feel the anticipation building up I really didn't know if we are going to practice kissing or save it for the show. We both got closer and I could tell he we were probably going to kiss. I haven't felt his lips on mine in while. He started to lean in so did I. I cold feel his warm breathe on my skin. We were still making eye contact the whole time. There it was. The spark. I'm about to do it. But then I remembered last night on the porch and remembered the little game he played on me. This was the perfect time to play back. I put my head down and backed away. Betty-"and scene. That was great arch you actually are really good at acting. Anyways we should probably head back now rehearsal is almost over." He just had this look on his face. But it then turned into a smirk. He know what I just did. I walked out the room feeling honestly great. Like I said two can play at that game and I just scored.

Ok I know I know I haven't updated in ages. I haven't updated because I haven't really found inspiration and no one is active. And I am working on a different book which i am beyond excited about.  It's a fillie book. Please go check that out when it's posted. It will be posted with multiple parts so u gusy can binge read it when it's out. Also I know this chapter sucks it's really hard to imagine the play when the episode hasn't come out yet. But I hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote on it. Ily guys❤️

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