Just keep running

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Archie's pov
All I remember was me dancing. I wasn't drunk. I was trying to find Betty since I haven't seen her all night.
Reggie-"hey man, come have a drink with me."
Archie-" oh no I better not."
Reggie-"okay your lose."
Archie-"but hey Reggie have you seen Betty?"
Veronica-" oh archiekiens looking for Betty."
I jumped at that voice I knew it was Veronica. I always hated it when she called me archiekiens.
Archie-" uh ya have you seen her."
Veronica-" actually I have follow me."
She grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. Before we got up there and looked into my eyes with concern like she was going to regret something. She opened the door. And there they were Jughead and Betty sitting on the bed kissing .I clenched my fist and my body filled with anger. How could she do that. My first instinct was to run. That's what I always do I can't talk to Betty at least not right now I need to time to get my anger out I don't want to explode and say things I really will regret.
I looked at Veronica then took off. I heard Betty call my name but I couldn't care less. I got out of the house and started running. That's what I do best. I reached my house and went straight into the shower. The hot water was burning off my back and I couldn't stop replaying the memory in my mind. I trusted her I thought I thought she loved me but I guess that what's happens when you love someone to much the moment they disappoint you it's like your world is crashing down on you.
I got out of the shower and changed into a t-shirt and shorts. I heard the doorbell and got up and opened the door to see Veronica
Veronica-"just wanted to check up on you." She grabbed my arm and walked in.
Archie-"oh uh thanks but I will be fine I just need to talk to Betty I mean after I cool off and stuff.
Veronica-" what you want to talk to her? She cheated on you with your best friend and you want to talk." She seemed really mad and disappointed.
Archie-" I mean you she probably wants to talk so we can work this out."
Veronica-" Archie she doesn't deserve you okay you amazing and smart and lovable and... attractive. She doesn't deserve you." She placed her hand in mine and came closer.
Archie l-" thank you Ronnie, but I'm not sure I love her. Let's go to my room I need to lay down my head is pounding." She nodded and we walked up stairs we sat on the bed with her hand still in mine. It was nice I needed the comfort.
Veronica-" do you want me to make you tea or something."
Archie-" actually ya that would be great Ronnie thank you." She smiled and walked downstairs. I walked up to my desk and grabbed my phone. It was just a bunch of missed calls from Betty and texts. I wanted to text her back but I couldn't. I was scrolling through my notifications when I saw her in the corner of my eye. She was sitting at her vanity and she was taking off her makeup she looked like she was crying. I got up and stared at her. I don't know how long I was staring but it must of been awhile because she caught my eye and walked up to the window and did the same. I always get lost in her eyes I completely forget everything around me it's just her and I. Her eyes then wandered somewhere else then a hurt expression grew on her face I looked at what she was looking at it. I turned to see Veronica I almost jumped. I forgot she was here. Oh god Betty probably thinks me and her are togehter again. Even though she broke my heart doesn't mean I don't love her or would do the same. Love drives you crazy.

Veronica-"interrupting something?"
Archie-"oh no not at all."
Veronica-" good." She handed me the tea and sat on my bed waiting for me. I looked back at the window and she wasn't there. I don't want her to think that there's anything going on between me and Ronnie I will talk to her tomorrow. But for right now I can't do that just not now. I sat down and she placed her hand back in mine I don't know why she is doing that. I wasn't complaining I really needed comfort right now. I always felt bad for the things I did to Veronica, but she wasn't the best girlfriend ever and came between me and Betty a lot. No one ever dared to do that before everyone knew it was always going to be Betty and Archie and no one come between us well until now. She looked up at me with her staggering eyes, it wasn't like me and Betty, Betty's eyes were sweet and showed so much hope when I stared into them I felt at ease but with Ronnie it was honestly kind of scary. She started to lean in and at first I didn't get what she was doing but then it all came to me. Was it her? Did she play Betty to get back at me? No way she wouldn't do that she's different. But the more I stared into her eyes everything from tonight's started to add up. She brought me upstairs. She acted all friendly. She went out of her way to invite me and Betty. I haven't seen Betty all night and Veronica knew exactly where she would be. Did she set up Betty and jughead. Anger filled my eyes and I backed away.

Archie-"Veronica I think you need to leave."
Veronica-" why what's wrong archiekiens."she put her hand in mine once again. I got my hand out if it and stood up.
Archie-" whatever you think your doing isn't going to work." She stood up and gave me a seducing looks. I would be lying if I said that I didn't look down at her lips. She knew my weaknesses. I looked away. She started walking downstairs. She stopped walking and turned to me.
Veronica-" what I don't understand Archie is you could have me all of me. But you choose her why?"
Archie-" Ronnie it's not like that you know how I felt about Betty."
Veronica-" what about me Archie are you seriously going to stand here and tell me you felt nothing for me at all?" I felt that. I did feel something for her sometimes I even thought I was falling in love with her.
Archie-" of course I felt something for you I was crazy over you but I'm not good for you. I hurt you and I can't ever forgive myself for that even if you forgave me. I care way to much for you, you deserve someone way better then me. I walked closer to her and she did too. I wiped a tear off of her face. And pulled her into a hug.
Veronica-" Archie you were my first real boyfriend even though you cheated on me you actually cared for me and it's not like I didn't treat you like shit to. I felt something real with you. I never felt that with any before. You were the one. But I wasn't the one for you obviously. That's why i will continue to fight for you no matter what. You were mine archiekiens and you will be mine again one day. I don't mind the long game." She missed my cheek and walked out.
Wow, I liked Veronica a lot and she means a lot to me. She gave me a lot to think about. I checked the time it was 2 am. I went back to my room and fell asleep not even bothering to check my phone.

Will Archie start having feelings for Veronica again? Lol hey guys welp it's been like a month just haven't had much energy to do this because it feels like no one even likes this book anyways. But the writers ripped us off this season hah ya the finale sucked. Whatever I still have this kiss to hold onto till I die. Don't forget to comment and vote trust me it gives me motivation to see you guys like it. I love you all have a great day!!!

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