Falling for you

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Archie's POV
I woke up the next morning with the same two girls on my mind. I got up and took a shower. I only had a towel on and walked in my room to get changed. I looked out my window and saw Betty. she was already looking at me. I moved quickly away from the window and got changed. I didn't want things to be awkward after the kiss it's just I need time. I heard a ding and checked my phone.There was two notifications. one from Betty and one from Veronica.

Veronica- want me to come pick you up for school?❤️❤️

Betty- walk me to school?

well shit. I guess I have to decide. well I walked with Betty yesterday so the fair choice would be to go with ronnie plus it would save the awkwardness between me and Betty. But I knew in my heart that I wanted Betty I just couldn't have her. I decided to go with ronnie. I ran downstairs grabbed a gronola bar and headed out. crossing my fingers to not see Betty. I walked out and low and behold there she was. but she wasn't alone. she was with jug. I basically destroyed my bar. Anger rushed in me why was she with him? I mean I guess I don't have the right to be jealous we aren't together. Is this how she felt with me and V I hope not because this fucking sucks. I heard a honk and saw Veronica. She was smiling. I could fall in love with her smile. She looked extremely good today. Maybe today is a V day. I walked into the car. She greeted me with a kiss on my cheek.

Ugh math. I was sulking in my chair thinking of my options and also trying to pay attention. I couldn't. do this anymore I needed a breather. I asked my teacher for the hall pass. I walked over to a nearby water fountain and tried to relax.
Betty- "arch?" I froze I didn't want to look but I knew it was her. I turned to her and put on a fake smile. I knew she would see right through it I mean she knows me to well. she really knows everything about me.
archie-" oh hey betty." we locked eyes and it was powerful it was everything. I could get lost in her eyes forever. we didn't say anything or move, we just  looked. I finally came back to reality and looked down.
Betty-" uh um so what are you doing in the halls."
Archie-" I don't really know I just guess I need a, a um." "breather" we said in unison. I couldn't help but smile. whenever we were little she would always finish my sentences for me. I could never really focus well and she would always help me out save me from the embarrassment. as much as I tried to deny it I needed betty. I don't know how to live a life without her. I stared at her elegance. she just so perfect. like literally perfect it's scary. I loved that. I noticed how close we were to each other. My eyes slowly lingered to her lips and I couldn't stop the feeling. I couldn't. control myself. Her eyes meet mine but quickly went to my lips. She started to lean on and so did I. with nothing there to stop me all I wanted were her soft plump lips on mine. centimeters apart craving for the taste of her lips. Our lips slightly brushed each other's before she leaned back.
Betty-" well I should get back to class see you around archie." she flashed me a smile and walked off. what. what is this girl doing to me. first she walks to school with jug and now this. she just acted like nothing just happened. she's going to make me go insane.

Betty's pov
I walked back to class with confidence. I know what I did was mean but we kissed last night and he walked off. so why not do the same. consider us even. I entered my class and my eyes immediately going to V. if I was being completely honest I missed her. Even if she was horrible to me she was still my best friend. I couldn't explain it she made me so happy but she was a horrible friend at the same time. I guess it was nice just having a girl best friend. for once but that's all over. I slumped down back in my seat. I could feel her still looking at me. I looked back and are eyes locked. Her expression was soft and it had compassion. For a second it looked almost as she was trying to tell me something. She quickly wiped the expression off and switched back to her usual death stare. Classic V.

Class was boring as always. I heard the bell and instantly smiled. Freedom at last. well almost. it was only lunch but I still was excited to be out of this class. I grabbed my bag and left. I was walking down the hall on my way to lunch when suddenly I got pulled into a dark room. not even scared because I knew who it was from the second he touched my skin. I could literally smell archie from mile away. I knew him way to well. He pulled a string signaling the light and there I saw his beautiful face clear as day. I couldn't help but smile a little.
Betty-"Archie" tension was everywhere. I could feel it. the spark. our eyes not leaving each other's we gradually got closer. Back there it was so hard not letting myself kiss him. I just had to. to be even. The urge was back and even stronger this time. I couldn't  help it. I grabbed onto his cheeks and smashed my lips on to his. the kiss was rough but passionate. He backed me against the wall and I roughly played with  his hair. he moved his lips down to my neck and kissed me everywhere. my breathe hitched. I couldn't  stand his lips not on mine and brought up his head and reconnected our lips. it was so wrong but felt so right. we stopped grasping for breathe. I slid down the wall and sat down he joined me. still breathing heavy i felt every emotion possible.
Archie-" Betty?"
Betty-" ya arch?"
he paused then continued obviously he was hesitant about what he was about to say.
Archie-" I think i'm falling for you hard." I paused for a minute to think. My heart was happy really really happy. I smiled. And placed my hand in his now making eye contact.
Betty-" Archie?"
Archie-" yes betty."
Betty-" i already fell for you, hard."

omg guys don't kill me. low key forgot this  book existed lol. I just haven't been  inspired and I feel like no one is active or even likes this book. but anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I love you guys always and thank you so much for 6k reads y'all are incredible❤️❤️❤️

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