You again

853 17 2

Archie's POV

life isn't the same anymore. I feel like the worst person ever. I held two girls on a pedestal and tried to decide who I like better. they didn't deserve that. so I had to let both go.

I ruined there friendship I ruined jug and betty's relationship and I ruined both of my relationships with betty and veronica.

my bestfriend in the entire world my day one. isn't even here anymore.
I had to let them go because they both deserve so much better.

I haven't talked to betty in 4 in four months.

I still remember the day I told her I had to let her go.

betty-"what do you mean u can't be with me Archie!" I shook my head still disgusted at myself for let myself do this to someone.

archie-" I have to let you go because I did a bad thing and I don't deserve you."

betty-" whatever archie I just can't believe," she grabbed my hand and my breathe automatically hitched and the feeling of her touch. "I can't believe you picked her how stupid could have been to think you would ever love me."

archie-" I didn't pick her Betty u don't understand. it's always been you it's never not gonna be you. I don't even think for a second that it was ever her over you. and how could you say I never loved you. your the only person I have ever loved. you taught me what love is. you betty do you understand it's always going to be you."

my eyes now glossy somehow decided it would be smart to look into hers something I have  avoided to do this whole conversation. I could see the pain in her eyes. the pain I caused.

archie-" I hurt you betty. I hurt you bad and that's something i can't forgive myself for so please don't make this hard. I have to let you go. i'm sorry" my voiced cracked at the end barely making a whisper. words came easy to me when it was betty. everything was easy till it just wasn't. she rolled her eyes and wiped her tears.

betty-" I think you should go."

archie-" I think so too." I got up and she walked me to the door.

betty-" archie."

archie-" yes."

betty-" don't bother talking to me again."

and like that's she slammed the door on my face and water just poured out my eyes and it wouldn't stop. I slid down her door. but if I only knew she was doing the same fact thing on the other side.

end of flashback
main pov (but like mostly archie lol)

and just like that archie did what betty asked. he never spoke to her again. well that was true untill today. archie maybe just getting over his heart break walked into his bio class keeping his head down knowing this was the one class betty and him shared.

he could be having the best day ever then simply look into her beautiful eyes and he breaks. so anything and I mean anything to avoid that he would. he sat down just wanting to this class to be over.

Mrs Wheeler-" Good morning class I hope you all had a good day. well we actually don't need anything out for today because I have a project to assign. first things first this is a partner project so please make sure you are available to meet with your partner outside of class since this will take months. and before you go look at your bestie I assigned partners myself."

archie of course was barely listening looking at the clock smiling by every minute goes by.

" with this project your goal is to learn more about your partner and at the end of the two months be able to express and show your feeling and thoughts to this person and come up with an 2000 word essay stating things you learned and noticed about this person. now where's my paper with the names."

she frantically moved things around to find this paper. " well looks like I can't find it uhh i'll just make it on the spot I guess."

  "Archie Andrews."

he shot up remembering what was happening around him.

" okay let's see you will be with um well this is hard your practically friends with the whole class."

he got sadder knowing there was still one person in this class he was definelty not friends with

" oh um let's do you and betty."

my heart started racing mile per minute.

no I definitely didn't hear that right. why on earth on earth would this happen to me our everyone it has to be her.

I guess it's just always gonna be her

was it bad that some part of me was happy I would get to see her again.

maybe just maybe she will forgive me.

the blonde ponytail jumped out of her seat storming to Mrs. Wheeler.

the both argued with betty pleading and pleading.

this causing archie's stomach to do flips.

and his heart to shatter a little more then it already has.

"she hates me that much" he mumbled to himself for only him to hear.

in the end betty lost.

she sunk back in her seat. and all she could think about is how awkward this couple months is gonna be.

the fact archie hasn't even really looked at her in 4 months and now has to spend weekends with her. that was a lot for the red head to comprehend.

same with betty. it was a lot.

finally Mrs. Wheeler stopped assigning partners and dismissed us to talk to our partners.

the blonde walked angrily to archie's desk.

betty-" meet at my house at 12 every saturday let's just get this over with arch."

she made the mistake of using that his nickname. she even looked shocked.

archie neck flew up and after 4 miserable months. they finally locked eyes.

emotions running everywhere. and they both swear even for a second. the spark was back.

hey everyone I missed y'all sm. I know it's been like 5 months. I just man I am just lazy and like this story makes no sense I don't know how any of u like it. but i'll probably update a little more often anyways how are u guys how's life and school. ok i'm going to bed now I hope you enjoyed this really shorty chapter lol bye❤️❤️❤️❤️

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