chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one

Chapter 20: Love and Hate


Draco stared intently at the board, wondering how he was going to make his next move. The older werewolf opposite him watched calmly over steepled fingers, his soft brown eyes oddly calculating. The Slytherin scowled. When they'd started this game, he'd thought it already won, but Lupin proved a better strategist than he'd given him credit for.

Finally, with a sigh, he reached out and moved one of the white chess pieces.

Immediately, Lupin smiled and used one finger to slide his own black queen three squares forward. "Checkmate," he murmured.

Draco scowled, unused to losing. He sat back in the cushy chair he'd perched on, reaching his hands above his head in a stretch. He'd arrived at the little hut – which was more like a cottage, really, he was coming to think – wearing pristinely folded school robes. But with the heat from the fireplace, he'd finally given in and hung them on the hook near the door, and grudgingly found himself much more comfortable in jeans and T-shirt.

"So did you lose your temper?" Lupin asked, continuing the conversation they'd held throughout the game, concerning the DA meeting two nights previous.

"Not particularly," the blond answered truthfully. "I argued with Weasley a bit, but not enough for it to show." He meant the wolf. "Besides, Potter no doubt would have stepped in if he noticed anything."

The professor smiled. "That's good. You're controlling your reactions, even in stressful situations. Well done, Draco."

The Slytherin looked unimpressed, lounging against one of the arms of the chair. "Stressful?" He smirked. "As Potter put it, I get free licence to curse as many of those idiots as I want. That's not stress. That's target practice."

The werewolf stared at him. "I don't think you're taking this as seriously as –"

"Oh I know, Merlin, I know. We're preparing for war, and all that melodrama…" He shook his head, looking at the ceiling in an apathetic fashion.

Remus frowned, but knew it was useless trying to discourage such flippancy. "You and Harry don't seem to be as antagonistic these days," he commented instead, changing the subject.

Draco looked at him sharply, almost alarmed. "Why do you say that?"

"Well, the mere fact that you managed to cooperate, even teach others, would suggest that the pair of you are calming."

The teenager scoffed. "Well, we're not," he said stubbornly, then realised how childish that sounded. "He's still a prat, I mean."

Remus hid his smile by standing and heading for the copper kettle near the hearth, carrying it over to the table where a couple of chipped cups waited. "Would you care for some tea?"

"You always ask me that. I always say no."

The older werewolf smiled. "It's polite to ask." He poured himself some of the hot drink and added milk, before returning to the fireside armchair. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like you back here this weekend."

Draco hesitated. It was enough he was sacrificing this evening. He wasn't particularly fond of giving up his weekend as well. So he lied. "I have a date."

Remus looked at him sceptically. "Saturday and Sunday?"

The Slytherin's grey eyes didn't so much as flicker. "We're in love," he said dryly, knowing full well the older werewolf didn't believe him.

Remus sighed, but saw an opportunity to bring up a subject he'd been meaning to discuss. "If I thought you'd take any notice, I'd warn you to be careful about who you date from now on."

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