Costumes - Prinxiety

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A/N: Sorry for the horrible update schedule, but I promise I will be posting more oneshots. This is a Human AU, by the way. Trigger warning, Injuries, fighting and Low Self-Esteem? It's fluff at the end, I promise. 1639 words.

Roman was in a play. Not that big of a deal, because he has been in a lot of plays. This play, however, was one the he didn't quite enjoy as much as the others. Logan, the manager, producer and co-director, and much more, hired his friend to be the costume and prop manager. He would do it himself, but with all of the drama behind the scenes, Logan decided he would need one more person to help him.

  Virgil, the costume manager, was everything Roman was not. They were total opposites. With this information, you could probably guess how their first meet went, especially with only one person they had in common as a friend.

  Roman strode down the hallway, a smile on his face. After hours of rereading his lines, he memorized all of the final act. Logan called him down for something, which would be the perfect opportunity to tell him about his amazing accomplishment.

  He tapped on the oak door, bouncing on his heels in anticipation. A ruffling sound was heard, with a "come in". 

"Ah, greetings and salutations, Roman. How are you feeling today?" Logan placed his stack of papers in his storage basket, and pushed his glasses up. 

"I'm feeling gay today, thank you very much." He says, flamboyantly fluttering his eyelids, which had been done by Connor, the makeup artist. The shades of gold, red and bronze matched perfectly for his skin tone.

Logan gave a weak smile, taking a sip of his coffee. "Of course. Anyway, I wanted to inform you that we will be having a new costume manager. He is an-" Logan stopped to yawn. "Old friend of mine. Please make him feel welcome here. Virgil can have a hard time adjusting. Just don't say anything stupid or rude to him."

"No problemo, Specs. I assume he's volunteering?" 

Logan's neutral gaze turned into a tired and embarrassed one. "Yes, I still haven't gotten a bigger donation." He quickly pulled out a thick packet of paper from a binder labeled "Salary Organization". 

"Okay, sounds good, anything else?" Roman watched Logan scribble down notes in his planner, then go back and scribble things in the packet of paper. He was still waiting for the Logan to ask him what he did today, as he always did.

The manager sighed. "Yes. I will be taking Virgil around the campus today. If everything goes according to plan, expect us to be visiting you in your room at 1:34 p.m. Okay?"

Roman's smile faltered a bit. "Oookay," he sighed, dragging out the o with him. "Is there anything you forgot to do?"

Logan stopped writing for a moment, his eyes dashing around, thinking. They widened in realization. "It's payday today! Apologies, Roman. Here is your check." He hastily pulled out his check. It wasn't much, but they were good savings for a new car.

The actor gave up. "Thanks..." Roman gazed at the check. He knew that there was a lot going on behind the scenes, but it seemed that everything was more crammed than usual. evan Patton, the main director, stopped bringing his famous cookies to campus on Monday. The play was in one week, and everything was haywire. 

1:33 p.m. Logan was heading to Roman's room, showing Virgil around campus. He showed him where the props went, the practice room, and the dressing room, where Virgil would spend most of his time. He even met Connor, who interestingly was very relatable. They immediately hit it off. But that didn't matter. They were heading down the hall to Roman's room, and stopped in front of the door. Logan turned Virgil to face him, expression blank.
"Look, I'm not going to lie. Compared to you, compared to...anyone, Roman's a bit Extra." Logan looked up in thought, trying to think if he used the term correctly. "Anyway, I just wanted to inform you about him. "  As if on cue, Logan's watched beeped, and he knocked on the door. 

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