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Three thousand reads! This is truly amazing. Thank you so much for reading my garbage, it means a lot to me.

I received another tag by Rainbowstar186, so let us begin. If you want to read the questions, I suggest going to their tag book, though the questions will be stated here.

1. Nickname?

My nickname is Yaya. It was given to me by my family, but I don't let many people call me it.

2. Single or taken?

I do not have a relationship as of yet.

3. Crush or No crush?

Um... I don't know? Feelings are complicated...

4. Any pets?

I live with two other people in my house, and they had a dog. She wasn't mine, but I got really close with her and took care of her. She passed away last week...

5. Favorite anime?

I have seen Spirited Away and Your Lie In April. Your Lie In April is my favorite, and I am planning on doing something special with the story.

6. Reason you created Wattpad?

I have stated it before, but I was looking for sickfics and psychology articles.

7. Bonus- What would you do if Someone was bullying one of your friends?

Well, it doesn't matter to me if you are my friend or not. Even if you are my enemy, I will not tolerate bullying towards you. I will gather proof, analyze the situation, then conclude if this is a true "bullying" situation. Some people just have a close bond and tease each other, so sometimes you do not need to worry if they are being bullied.

8. Did you notice Seven was missing?

Yes, I did notice, and I can't stand it. I put the bonus there.

9. Favorite fanfic?

I do not have one. Most of the stories I have read are decently good.

10. Should I make more tags?

If you would like to, go ahead. It is all up to you.

Tag five people.

I tag...


Anyway, that was it. I have a couple oneshots coming up, so be on the lookout. Also, don't be afraid to ask fro requests. Have a good day!

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