White Stars - Virgil

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Virgil couldn't sleep tonight. He tried everything, from warm milk to snuggling his pillow, but it didn't work. Sighing in defeat, he stared up at his ceiling, not really paying attention to it, just thinking about life.

If I die tomorrow, will I be happy with my life?
What if Thomas starts taking anxiety medication?
Does it hurt to die?
Is there a god? Why don't we ever see them?
Why do they always live in the sky?
Do they like the stars that much?
Is it because they have other planets to take care of?
Or is being away great?
...Should I go away?

Virgil's thoughts ventured out into the great unknown, while his gaze started focusing on the ceiling. He noticed all of the small bubbles on the roof of the ceiling, covering it all.

Are the bubbles on the ceilings just white stars?
Can they make constellations?
Is it a galaxy?
We're in a galaxy, So...
A galaxy within a galaxy?

Sure enough, Virgil started to make constellations. They were pretty big, taking up most of the ceiling, and Virgil just freely tracing them in his mind. He didn't stop to look until he realised that the constellations he traced out were letters, and the letters spelled something.

Stay. Virgil stated in shock at his ceiling. Someone might have thought he was crazy if they just walked in, but to Virgil, everything became a little more clearer in his life. The reason why when he looked up in his room, he felt a strange sense of Hope in his life. The reason why his room calmed him down more than the other sides' room calmed themselves down. It was because the room tries to protect you; keep you safe and hopeful.

Thank you, he thought, to his own room, which was a bit weird, but he knew what he meant. Virgil drifted off into a peaceful slumber, with his hopes up and his mind drifting.

*When you don't have any ideas so you just stare at the ceiling thinking about life intead*
Brain... Why don't you work...

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