Beach Trip - LAMP

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I swear to God if Roman takes off his shirt, my nose is going to bleed. Virgil was thinking what he would do if that embarrassing event happened. Look for a napkin? Pass out from seeing his own blood? Probably the latter. Virgil couldn't handle the sight of blood even if he tried.

"Roman, make sure you put on sunblock!" Patton scurried over to Roman, applying a copious amount on his arms and legs. Roman gratefully took the bottle from Patton and applied some sunblock on his muscular body. It took Virgil everything he could not to stare, even though they were all dating.

"Will this really protect me from UV rays? I don't think it will." Roman continued rubbing the sunblock on, even though he had his suspicions.

"Actually, I researched online before I bought the sunscreen. This particular sunscreen will protect the wearer from UVA and UVB rays while giving the wearer vital minerals which help make the skin healthier. Plus, it allows you to get a healthy, natural tan, something I know-"

"Geez, Logan, fine." Roman finished putting on the sunscreen before running to the water. Patton ran in with his Pail so he could build a sandcastle. The water was for moistening the sand, a trick he learned on their last visit to the beach.

"Virgil, did you apply sunscreen? Even if you stay underneath the umbrella the whole time, I do not want you to get a sunburn." Virgil looked up at Logan, who was wearing a navy blue t-shirt and black shorts. He seemed a bit uncomfortable in them, but Patton forced everyone to wear a t-shirt and shorts. It was almost 100°F after all.

"I got everywhere but my back. Could you help me out?" Logan nodded and sat down behind Virgil. He gave him a quick hug before rubbing the sunscreen on. The cool feeling it left on Virgil's back made it feel minty fresh.

"I got your back." Logan closed the lid and placed the item in the bag.

"Dad joke." Virgil put a hand over his mouth, trying not to smile.

All Logan could do was give a blank stare at Virgil, for he was too tired to even complain. The sides didn't want to go to a Florida beach, and guess who got stuck with driving for over twelve hours.

Virgil looked back out at the ocean, calm waves splashing against the shore. He could see Roman with his bodyboard, trying to catch a good wave to ride. He could see Patton, who left his Pail on the beach so he could play in the ocean. He could see Deceit, who was laying on a towel, tanning. (Yes, he put sunscreen on.)

Once Virgil took in everything in sight, he closed his eyes and took in all of the smells around him. The smell of sunscreen with a freshly printed book. The smell of the sea salt blending in with the smell of laundry softeners from the towels. Everything fit together so nicely, like pieces in a puzzle.

Virgil kept his eyes closed, but this time focused on taste. Their wasn't much, but the taste of his mint gum reminded him of a winter day, when he would chew a new piece every time he would take a walk. The crisp, cool air would blow gently against his skin as he snuggled into his jacket.

Touch. Virgil could feel the grains of sand running through his fingers. He could feel the towel's soft material brush up against his other hand. He could feel the sea breeze flowing through his hair as he moved on to the last sense.

He could hear the waves splashing against the shore and he could hear Patton giggling and laughing. He could hear Roman laugh alongside him, not having a care in the world. He could hear Deceit sigh in content, shuffling around a bit to get more comfortable. He could hear the special whisper of the breeze, sounding almost dreamlike, like he was in another world. He could hear the turn of a page every so often, which came along with the stifle of a yawn or three. He could hear the towel slowly shifting, as if something was changing position. And he could hear the soft thump that landed on his shoulder, causing him to open his eyes.

Logan rested on his shoulders peacefully as Virgil gave a soft chuckle. It was moments like these worth remembering. The moments so miniscule, it takes an expert to find them, hold on tight, and remember them. It's the moments of peace one must remember, for peace is only found in the eye of the storm. 

A/N: Was that good? Did I do good? I don't know anymore. Sorry for not posting enough, but I have news. I'm starting my first job today! Yay, big day... Okay, that was all. Have a good day everyone.

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