Chapter Five

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He's sitting in his first week of middle school, and already they're going through the process of asking the kids what to do before having sex.

Harry groans into his hands, Zayn slapping his thigh to perk up and look interested. The teacher babbles on about condoms and all the like. Harry knew about this, Louis had already given him a book about it as a joke for his thirteenth birthday. He found himself reading through it curiously one night. It's interesting, kinda.

The teacher makes them leave after the fifty minute lesson, the class dragging themselves out of their chairs ready to go home. Liam catches Harry's arm and pulls him aside. Zayn has the instinct to follow.

"Are you coming by tomorrow?" Liam asks. "We need you, we're short on numbers."

He needs to manage his time. This weekend, he's expected to spend with Louis out in the fields. Instead, Liam wants him to come around and play football for no apparent reason. Harry has to say no.

"What time?" Harry can't say no. He can never say no. "I'll be there."

"Eleven at the pitch, all right?" Liam tells, hitting Zayn in the chest and smiling. "Are you comin' too?"

Zayn nods. Liam walks off with an I love you guys and a little pixie like wave. Harry grins to him and faces Zayn. He's lost in a daze of happiness looking at a girl with blonde and lilac in her hair at the side lockers, giggling to her friends.

Harry pinches his cheek and snickers as Zayn lights up at Harry. Harry smiles, knowing Zayn is completely head over heels for this girl. He has been since year five. Perrie isn't oblivious to it. Both of them are crushing hard on each other, but it seems as if there's something between them which can't allow them to go out with each other.

Maybe that's just how the year eight mind works.

"Just ask her out, Z," Harry encourages. "It's obvious."

Zayn puts it off and walks with Harry outside of the school. Both part ways, Harry catching the bus back to his farm looking forward to spending the rest of his afternoon with Louis.


"Haz, we organized this days ago." Louis is extremely upset, arms folded over his chest as he leans against the tree house wall. Harry sighs to himself, looking up at Louis with remorse.

"They're just short on numbers, Lou," Harry explains. "Liam just needs a bit of help with the team. They're suckish this year and Liam doesn't want to forfeit this game."

"And since when could you play football properly?"

Harry smirks, a little insulted. "Don't be a dick. That was one time."

"One time is enough to tell a story, Hazza."

"Just because I fell on my arse, also factorizing that the grass out front was just recovering from the melting snow, doesn't mean every time I play, I will fall on my bum."

"Could do," Louis' words are bitter. Harry stands from his chair and walks to Louis and putting his hands on his shoulders. "I know that Liam needs help, H, but you've pretty much spent all your weekends with the other lads. I always give up my time with Niall and Stan to be with you."

"Don't give that up. You know I don't care that you go out with other friends sometimes."

"You can't say no," Louis says. "It's one of my pet peeves. You can't say no to anyone. You always treat others before yourself."

"Do not--"

"Harry, I've known you for six years. You always put others before yourself. That's not how it works."

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