3. Keep Your Enemies In Sight

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A/N: I'm so happy that you people already like it so much if you do. It makes bats flutter in my stomach. Please, comment on how I did and if you want more. I apologize for all the spelling errors, this is, much like all my other stories. Done on my cellphone. Anywho, onto the story :) -Gerard


Gerard walked swiftly out of his Art class. Bob Bryar in tow. He wanted to get the hell out of the hallways while he could. Bob felt somewhat the same, on edge. Nervous. He knew what would be in store for him if he lolly gagged. There would be the Jock Crew...he didn't want to run into them again. He didn't want anything to do with them, he knew they would harm him in someway. He gripped Bob's arm tightly.

"Dude, they're not here, you're fine." Bob said looming over Gerard's shoulder to whisper in his ear. Gerard looked at him with narrowed hazel eyes.

"I'm not fine, Bobert. You don't understand." Gerard said with an angry sigh.

"They wont hurt you if I'm around." Bob assured him.

"They will. They'll separate us." Gerard said quietly. Bob sighed and they continued walking through the crowded halls until they made it to the Gang's lockers. Bert and Frank stood beside each other talking about some kind of fantasy realm. Bert looked amused and had a smirk on his face. The amusement in Bert's face made Gerard jealous of him, he felt like he needed Frank's attention more. Mikey pranced up to them talking about his cellphone with Ray.

"Hey, Gee. You alright?" Mikey asked looking at his big brother with a concerned expression, well it always seemed concerned..he had this Poker Face. It never changed.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." Gerard said trying to keel a calm and somewhat happy expression. Bob patted his shoulder and made his way over to Jepha, but before he could walk away Gerard reached out and grabbed Bob's sleeve pulling him back closer to Gerard. "Don't leave me." Gerard warned.

"Mikey, will you talk to your brother or something? I can't be his bodyguard forever." Bob complained. Mikey sighed and nodded as Bob pried Gerard's fingers from his sleeve. Mikey walked over to Gerard and pulled him away from the large group of boys. Frank gave them a curious look as they passed.

"Gerard, calm down alright? You're gunna be safe with us." Mikey said reassuringly. Gerard shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"Do you not get it Mikey? They'll ruin me again. I don't want that to happen. They're everywhere I go now." Gerard said with a panicked tone, Mikey gave him a look.

"Gee..calm down. Breathe." Mikey ordered. Gerard closed his mouth and nodded quickly, he took a few slow breaths in and stuffed his hands in his hoodie pockets. He shuffled his feet and took one last deep breath. "Good, now stay calm, Gee. You're gunna be alright, we're all here." Mikey said.

"Mikes'...holy mother of meese I need a drink." Gerard said nervously. Mikey shook his head and they walked over to the guys. Bert looked at him and they did a brofist (pewdiepie<3). Frank looked at him and smirked crookedly.

"Hey guys." Gerard said, he tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, but that's when it happened. His cool broke down when a certain voiced echoed through the halls.

"Hey, Emoshit. You gained another Faggot to your group, eh?" Said the familiar voice. Gerard went rigid, he almost seemed to have frozen in place. He knew this person well, but its only because of his fists. Mikey gripped Gerard's arm and dragged him beside Ray and Bob. "Aw, got a bodyguards today eh, Artsy?" The voice asked. Gerard began to shake, Frank stood in front of him and made eye contact with Gerard. Gerard felt somewhat calmer with Frank in sight.

"Who is that?" Frank asked.

"Stop ignoring me, Emoshit." The voice said, it became closer to them.

"Back the fuck off, Bruce." Quinn said standing behind Gerard, he basically had a forcefield of his Gang around him, protecting him from the ugly jock.

"Oh, you want him to yourself, Quinny?" Bruce asked. Frank lightly smacked Gerard's cheek making him blink and zone back in from the depths of hid mind. He looked at Frank and exhaled heavily.

"His name.." Gerard started, but he was quavering badly, Frank gripped his shoulders tightly to try and make it stop.

"Its alright." Frank whispered.

"Stop protecting him Faggots. You're only gunna get yourself hurt." Bruce taunted. Gerard looked into Frank's eyes that were full of worry. A golden hazel pool of worry. Gerard bit his lower lip and turned around, a courage phase swept over him. He shoulder passed his companions and stared at Bruce. Bruce was taller than Gerard, stockier too. He had shot spikey blonde Jocky hair, brown eyes, freckles. He was muscle, all muscle for a quarterback. He laughed at Gerard with a spitty fatass laugh.

"Shut the fuck up." Gerard warned with narrowed eyes. Bruce laughed harder.

"You're a fucking Faggot, Artsy. You really think you're gunna scare me? Lets take a look at our past scuffles we had." Bruce said smiling.

"I don't care if you've hurt me before." Gerard told him.

"You being brave for your little Fag group?" Bruce asked, he took a few steps towards Gerard and shoved him backwards, he stumbled back and was grabbed by the Gang, they kept him on his feet. Gerard stood back up and brushed their hands off of him, he straightened his hoodie and walked towards Bruce with a straight face. He clenched his fist tightly and stared into his eyes for a second then punched him hard. Bruce stumbled backwards and fell onto the floor, blood spurting out if his nose. Gerard knew he hit pretty hard, he had felt his knuckles crack.

"Holy fuck!" Bert exclaimed laughing hard. He ran over to Gerard and bounced up and down whooping happily. "Dude you knocked that fucker out!" Bert cheered excitedly. The gang joined in. But that's when the rest of the Jock Crew walked into the hall, they saw Bruce on the ground and then rushed over. It was Lin, Josh, and Mark. They all looked at Gerard who was flexing his fingers.

"Emoshit knocked him out?" Lin asked shocked.

"Back the fuck off bro, he's on the loose." Bert said laughing, Lin cocked his eyebrow.

"I'm gunna wreck his ass." Lin said cracking his fingers, then the rest of the Football Team walked into the hallway behind the Crew, Gerard looked at them all and then back at the Gang.

"Run." Gerard whispered, they all heard him and all bolted off running. Each member of the Gang ran, Frank as well. Gerard stood his ground. "Why don't you leave us alone? We never did anything to you." Gerard asked.

"Because you're Emoshit. If we never started shit with you, you would probably have the run of the place you fucking suicidal prick." Josh said smirking.

"We never even looked at you wrong, so I honestly don't see the big deal." Gerard pointed out.

"Why are you standing up for yourself?" Bruce asked getting up and wiping blood off of his face.

"Because, I realized how fucking weak I was against you guys. I'm not scared of you." Gerard said.

"Yeah you are." Bruce said, he shoved Gerard hard and he fell back landing on the tiled floor. The Jock Crew wailed on him, beat him to pieces until he literally went unconscious. The last thing he saw was blood, the floor, and converse-clad feet racing towards him.

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