1 Vampire Companion

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"You must be Aspen. I'm Marcel." He tells me. His brown eyes stay on my gold ones.

My eyes flash to Cam and Paul who look like they are about to explode. Marcel moves so my vision is only on him. Great he's one of those types. Forever needing attention.

I am taken back by this vampire never the less. Yes he is attractive but he is a vampire and Oliver said I could choose my companion. This isn't me choosing.

"Oliver!" I shout. "Please tell me he is one if yours." I plead.

A dashing smile on display on his lovely face. "I'm not one of anyone's." He speaks before Oliver can answer me. His voice travels to something deep inside of me and that's when I knew he was mine.

It feels warm and light. Like his presence is touching my soul. I rub my forehead in confusion. How did he find me? I thought I would have more time.

"Office now." I demand.

Marcel happily follows me. While my mates restrain their wolves. Oliver whispers something Constantine and follows behind my mates.

I open the door to the office taking a seat at the head of the large table. Marcel sits on the desk that is farthest away from us. For some odd reason I want him closer.

"Who are you exactly." I ask as everyone is finally sitting.

"Marcel Smith, vampire." He states as if the information is obvious or well known.

I glance at the other males in the room before asking another question.

"Why are you here?" I follow up.

He crosses his large arms over his broad chest, "for you."

He is really something to look at. From his brown skin to his white smile. I find myself thanking whoever I'm suppose to be thanking for someone as handsome as him.

I clear my throat before speaking. "Okay. Listen, I'm going to need you to be a little more specific." I snap. All my manners went out of the door. It's like he is trying to annoy me.

"I am yours and you are mine." He replies with a smile.

I shake my head. "This can't be happening. Not today. I just got home." I say to myself.

"Paul." I whine. I know Paul is better in this situation then Cam. Cam is probably plotting ten different ways to kill him and get rid of the body.

Paul gives me a smile before turning to face Marcel. "Are you saying you are Aspen's companion?" Paul asks.

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. She feels it too. Ask her."

He totally sold me out.

"Aspen, is it true? Do you feel he is your vampire companion?" Paul questions me.

I want to say no but I would be lying. If I say yes Cam will flip out before I get the chance to know him. I slowly get up from my seat making my way to Marcel. Ultimately I want to block him from Cam.

"I feel... I feel like he is mine." I confess.

A loud roar rumbles from Cam and Marcel switches places with me so fast I find myself holding my temples from the dizziness.

"Cam please calm down." I speak from behind Marcel's large body.

"Calm down?" He yells and Marcel hisses. "You haven't been bitten for more than a day and now this guy claims to be your companion. I'm not buying it. Not to mention you're not even full vampire." Cam goes on.

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