Pippin Wuz Here

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Pippin POV

I feel like such an awful person.

Holly must be going through the worst time ever. See, I had been possessed by a...I don't know, a possessing spirit thing? Yeah. Let's go with that. Well, according to the others, Holly had snuck down to the pool to try and cure her hyperthermia. That girl is a genius, it worked perfectly.

Anyways, I had gone down and dragged her back up. Then we got into an argument, and I attacked her, which is a sure sign that I was not myself. I had apparently taken her sword and attacked her with that. As soon as Lily found out I had her sword, she knocked me out with a hair dryer. Holly broke down, and eventually fell asleep. Then Lily got lucky and actually had a good idea (Annabeth, hide me! Oh wait, she's not mad. Never mind.). They got iron and Ashton made it into armor. Then I woke up and Holly dragged me out. She made the deal with the spirit, and now we're back to the present.

"Dude, don't feel bad," Daniel said. "You couldn't have predicted this to happen."

"Especially because Holly's so unpredictable," I murmured. Percy had told me that right before our first quest. I quickly realized that he was right.

He nodded. "Get some rest. We'll work it out." I didn't want to, but I went to my bed and promptly fell asleep.

~~Line Break~~~

Everyone from both rooms were talking when I woke up. They were discussing something.

"Hey guys," I said.

Lily smiled grimly. "Hey."

"Have you worked anything out?" I asked hopefully.

She sighed. "I wish we did, but no. We can't come up with anything."

"I have an idea." I wasn't quite sure who said that, but I was open to any suggestions.

"Really?" I looked around for the source of the voice. "What is it?"

"Quit trying to come up with one." Holly was grinning from the doorway. She looked exhausted but happy.

I was wary. "How do I-"

Hank cut me off. "When you're possessed, your eyes are golden."

Holly smiled. "He's right." Thank the gods. Her eyes were their normal sea-green color.

I tackled her in a hug. I hadn't meant to, but she was so weak her legs just gave way. We tumbled into the hallway and I hit my head on the wall.

She looked concerned. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." I kissed her. She kissed me back without hesitation.

We pulled apart a bit later, and Lily smiled. "You guys are too cute." Holly rolled her eyes but smiled. Then she started to fall asleep. Right when I thought she was out, she snapped awake. "Can you help me back to the bed?" She asked. "Pippin, you don't need to carry me." I sighed. She was very stubborn at times.

With the help of Lily, I got her back to her bed. "How did you break away from the possessing spirit?" I asked.

She smiled. "I'll tell you later." I thought she meant that she wanted to tell me in private, then I remembered how tired she was. She promptly fell asleep.

"Everyone go back to their rooms," Lily said. "Wake everyone if you see anything unusual. Wake the nearest person if you have a nightmare. If Holly has one...Pippin, be ready." Everyone smiled. I nodded.

The other six left to their own room, and Lily flopped onto her bed, taking up all the room.

Ashton groaned and pushed her over. He fell asleep on his side of his bed. Lily grinned and fell asleep shortly after.

Daniel turned on the TV and watched Spongebob. Hank was reading. I looked out the window and watched the stars.

Eventually both of them fell asleep. I grabbed a pad of sticky notes and a pen. I put the sticky notes on everything and wrote 'Pippin wuz here' on all of them. The last one went on Holly's forehead. I hope she'll be a little happier when she wakes up.

After that I laid down next to her. It didn't take long to fall asleep.

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