A Selcouth Fairytale

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Synopsis: You were playing hide & seek with your friends & siblings, but you went to a very far hiding place. Is it fate to see him?
Note: HUMAN, and you're a teenager, specifically 13-15 yrs old in the first part of the story :3


Narrator's POV

"1, 2, 3..." Your older brother, Juliam counted as he covered his eyes on the rough thick tree. All of you split up to find your own hiding spots. You and your friend, Carlos went to the forest where an abandoned castle settled for years, "Hey, (Y/N)! I'll hide behind the bushes, while you hide in that castle!" Carlos whispered to you, & you followed his instructions. Walking on the gray stoned stairs to the ruined inside of the structure, you heard faint singing, specifically from the very hall.  To be specific, the throne room.

The cold wind whistled as the dried & light leaves flew around the way of the air. The whistles dominated the faint singing. You walked down another pair of stairs, hoping it would lead you to the source. The voice sounded fruity & husky, and masculine. Whoever sang must join a singing contest. As you walked down the ruin hallway, it doesn't seemed bad though. The rich green wall plants climbed above with the blooms together with their friend the moss. The moon was a full one, which made the atmosphere alluring. You were astonished by this place, forgetting that you're still playing hide & seek. The sound of your footwear was heard by only yourself as you continued to find the source.

As you went nearer to the source, you can hear the lyrics of the song. You never heard that song in your entire life until now! You quietly walked from the hall, only to see a seemingly prideful yet selcouth* man, waltzing around with the grace & poise. You were amazed by his actions. You can dance, but not that kind of dance! You need weeks, months or even years to dance like that! Unless you're born with it. After he ended his song, he turned to your direction, to your surprise. You immediately ran up to find a good hiding spot. You then hid behind the brick wall. Your heart was beating faster and you felt warmth in your cheeks! You're too young! "C'mon, dear! Don't be such a scaredy cat! I don't bite." His tone went from gorgeous to hecking begging for you to show yourself from a strange. Even though you can't see his face because you looked at his back, he looked divine & breathtaking. You covered your mouth to muffle your gasping. Is he going to kill you? His voice sounded the opposite though.
*Unfamiliar, rare, strange yet marvelous

"To be honest, you looked wonderful under the moonlight." He remarked with smugness dripping in his words. You're fully aware of this, but you should show respect, right? "Did your parents taught you how to be thankful?" He asked you with a tint of seriousness. Oh wow, "They did taught me those." You replied to him softly as you curled yourself for protection, "Aww, I'm sorry to scare you to death, madam." Such a gentleman. Literally, "It's fine though. I was just k-kinda scared that you'll do bad things to me." You answered him with a sad smile. In a few moments, he finally saw you & you saw him.

In a mere second, his eyes turned emerald green. Before it was coal black, but it became a wonderful color. That color was the shade of a precious yet rare gemstone from the darkest caves of somewhere far. His outfit was a full lavender dapper with a dark lilac bowtie. His (h/c)/with (h/c highlights) hair was shiny, because you can tell by the light of the luna. His ivory-cream colored gloved hands was on the mossy wall, but he didn't mind it. His 'stache was well, marvelous.

"Who are you?" You sounded courageous at this moment, and the man chuckled with a grin, "You mean, 'what is your name, your highness?' You need to learn how to respect royals." He answered as he proudly placed his hand on his chest, referring as a royal, "Okay, your highness." You replied with a tint of sarcasm that he didn't even noticed, "KD is my name, and yours?" Well, he doesn't wear any crown, so you have doubts. Itsy-bitsy doubts, "(Y/N)." You replied as you left your hiding spot to take a better look at him. He's absolutely tall indeed! Your height his either until his stomach or chest! You were coy under him, "Such a marvelous name for a lovely gal like you!" He replied with happiness. It sounded real, "Hehe thanks." You replied to him with awkwardness, "So what you doin' here in my palace, dear?" He asked you with a soft smile, "Wait, is this your place?" You asked him with surprise. It's all abandoned & ruined, but how come? "Yes, and I would stay here for some time." He explained as he gestured the place, "But why it's all ruined?" You asked him as you looked at his lovely eyes, "It's behind the ruined place, (y/n)" He then took your hand to show you his real palace through a huge gap on the cobblestoned walls. It was pure hyacinth with amethyst & gold designs. Such a magnificent sight!

"Would you like to go with me?" He asked you kindly, "Well," You had second thoughts about this. He's a stranger, which is bad & he looked trustworthy, which is good? "What about the hide & seek game?" Yup, Juliam was trying to find you, or perhaps others as well. Thanks to Carlos, he was able to help you hide like a professional!
"It's alright, it will take a while." He answered in a fatherly tone. Still holding your hand, he squeezed it gently as he lead you towards his grand palace. It won't be that bad, right?

BREAKING NEWS! A 13 years old girl was missing for 6 days & was found unharmed. According to her friend named Carlos, she was just hiding in the abandoned castle, "We were playing hide & seek, and I told her to hide in the huge abandoned castle, and she did." quoted Carlos.
(Y/N) didn't say anything at all, except she said that she was feeling fine.

|Timeskip to you being an adult brought to you by me drinking mixed fruit juice|

"Perhaps he's still alive until now-Oof!" You tripped onto something partly sharp & shiny. You stood up to dust off the dirt, and you picked the metal object nearly deep in the rich earth. Pulling it out, you took a shiny yet seemingly old crown with amethysts & emeralds, "It's probably belongs to KD, I guess?" You murmured as you looked the crown in all directions, "Hey KD!" You called out as you held the crown protectively. Precious, "Yes, my dear?-" When he saw your astounding change of your appearance, he felt warmth is his cheeks increasing every second, "My, my! You looked exquisite as before." He grinned as he saw you being shy by his convictions, "T-Thank you." You replied was you looked away slightly, "By the way, is this yours?" You asked him as you showed him the crown you found, "Why, yes! Where did you find it?" He asked you as he began to clean the dirty crown using his gloves, "I tripped it over, and I took it from the ground." You replied as you deeply stared at his coal black eyes with admiration, or romance? It finally changed into emerald green: one of your favorite colors.

"Took you time to get it out, right? Right?" He saw you looking at him with your (e/c) eyes twinkling under the cold evening, "(Y/N)? I didn't know you like me that much." He teases you, and when he booped your nose, you snapped back to reality. Realizing what you did, you apologized to him as you looked away with a red face, "No need to be sorry, doll. After all, I actually like you too." He's confident in confessing you!

"Well, is that so..." You answered with a sad smile, he then asked, "May I touch, or even taste your lips?" Warmth was increasing in his body, so does yours, "Well, I'm inexperienced, so I guess- Alright." You replied to him with a short sigh. He then kissed you on the lips, and oh! He tasted as the cigars & alcohol. Despite that, you enjoyed it. After a short one, you let out your romantic feelings towards him, and went to more on a passionate one.

Before he actually kissed you, he murmured, "I love you, my precious (Y/N)~" in a smoky tone yet pleasant way.


Welp, time to write more lemons!!!

Anyways, Farewell o(^▽^)o

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