Painter's Imagination

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No one requested this, and I'm active in writing.

Synopsis: You, a painter, can realistically paint either by memory or imagination. After submitting your painting to an art museum, people began to analyze the painting, including the man in the painting.
Note: He hUmAn, modern & you is good painter


Painting is one of your talents, aside from singing/dancing/etc. The truth is, you prefer painting over other talents. It's a genetic talent, which means it's in your family's blood. Realistic paintings are easy for you, unless there's too many people & you used the wrong color or brush. What's extraordinary about you is that you can paint by memory or imagination. It's difficult for others though. For you, it's easy indeed.

One autumn afternoon, you received an email from one of the best art museums. An email that stated you were invited to submit an artwork. It's a contest with a theme. The theme was portrait on shoulder level. It also stated that it's optional to also submit a full body artwork. It's your choice, "Portrait, huh? When is the deadline?" You asked yourself as you scrolled down. At the bottom of the email, it was stated that the deadline is on the end of the year, "That's actually a good deadline." You muttered. Ideas began to swirl in your mind about what to paint. It could be you? A friend? A family member? Nothing stated what specific portrait. You went back to your house, and prepared the materials you need for painting: Paintbrushes, paints(with different types of them) & etc.
You decided to make it acrylic. Watercolor will be used next time.

You stared at the huge blank canvas while your pencil for sketch was held on your hand, "Who will I draw?" It was a bit irritating when you can't have an good ideas. While thinking, your eyes began to slowly close. Of course, you did tried to be awake but it kept on doing it. You forgot to drink coffee. Finally, you knew who to paint! That one strong imagination of yours finally got the greatest idea! You started to sketch the face structure, eyes, nose, hair & mouth. Including a shiny bow tie with a bit of exposure of the collar of a coat. You were enjoying painting this random person, at least you knew who to paint!

|few hours later|

"I did it! It's perfect & neat!" You exclaimed with triumph. It's all realistic & the lighting & shadows were at the right place, "Now time to wait for it to dry!" You brought the painting to your room, and placed it near the window. It's became more darker. Wow, it took hours to paint, "I'm going to submit my artwork tomorrow. After all, the museum is not that far, for it takes 3 minutes to get there if you're walking." You stated with a small smile.

|Insert scenes of what you do during the evening|

The next morning, you prepared a few things & your canvas. Before you bring it with you, you wrapped up with paper to avoid damage on it. You then locked your door of your apartment, and started your destination to the museum. The streets were getting more crowded in the morning. The shops began to open, the orange-yellow leaves began to fall more from the trees nearby, & the cool breeze flowed through your coat. After 3 minutes of admiring the nature of autumn, you finally went inside of the museum. The cool breeze was replaced by the air conditioner, cooling the place. There's only a few visitors here in this museum though. You went to the front desk of the museum, and asked the lady, "Excuse me, miss, but do you where to submit the artworks?" The lady replied with a kind smile, "In the art director's office. Go left & straight & you'll see the sign." You thanked the lady for the directions & went quickly to the office. Finally, you arrived at the office, and knocked three times,

"Come in please!" A sweet voice called out, and you opened the door, "Oh, you must be the famed painter who painted by imagination & memory. Nice meeting you in person." She stated with a smile, "Not really famed though, and also nice meeting you as well." You responded with a small smile. She was wearing dark colored autumn outfits with a red scarf, "What brings you here, (Y/n)?" She asked with wonder, "I'm actually here to submit my painting for the contest." She gasped & smiled brightly, "Such an early bird, huh? May I see your work then?" You nodded with a hum of approval. You took the canvas on her table & she began to unwrapped the wrapped canvas. When she took a better look on your painting, she gasped, "My, my! It's amazing! Such an incredible master piece! I'll hang this in the one of the masterpieces room." She cheerfully exclaimed. You blushed at her comments, "Thank you, madam." She nodded with a sweet smile.

"Hey, Angeli? Have you seen the painting in the museum?" Cherry asked her friend with excitement, "You mean the portrait that one painter submitted? Of course I did! It's extraordinary!" She exclaimed. More visitors were looking at your painting, while you observed them from afar. You felt happy when they love your painting, "I also heard that the painter painted this random dude because she was lonely." Again with the rumors! It's just one of your ideas, "Actually, she painted this because it's part of her imagination." The man wearing a black sweater replied to one of the visitors, "The real question here is why is the painting of the man there looked EXACTLY like you!" Another visitor exclaimed. Everyone gasped, while you felt anxious & feeble. It's not a mere coincidence, right? "Well, you're correct, but it's just a coincidence." He replied with a kind grin, "How about you ask the painter about this?" One of the visitors suggested. The man thought for a moment, "Maybe I should." He began to look around to find the painter, "Maybe she's the one." You saw the little girl point at you. Terrified, you immediately ran but you tripped yourself, "Whoa! Are you alright?" He asked you as you rushed towards you, "Yeah..." You murmured weakly. He then helped you get up, and you were able to stand up. Finally, your eyes met his. It's the exact same features with the painting! Green sparkling(& seductive) eyes & cool moustache(When you don't have the right words to describe his moustache). He's alluring as the painting!

The painting may not made you blush, but him! He did make you blush. Warmth began to flow on your cheeks, "Are the painter of that masterpiece?" You were shocked, "Y-yeah." You admitted as your red cheeks became obvious, "I just want to say, that I love it." He admitted as well, "Haha, thanks..?" You responded sheepishly, "So, can I have your number?" He asked you with no regrets, "Eh?! B-But we just met!" You exclaimed, and you heard giggles from the small crowd who were surrounded your painting, "But, I would like to know you more, doll." Great. Nicknames, "We can just talk while walking around! Maybe, I'll give you my number soon." You sheepishly replied. This is your first time talking to someone attractive, "How about this? We will talk anything under the sun, and at the end of the day, we'll exchange number. Deal?" You were hesitant to do so. Perhaps, he's doing it because he's a player or he thinks you're not  attractive so he took pity, "But, I'm not attractive." You replied firmly. He was surprised by your response, "You're painting was one hell of a masterpiece. And you're an excellent artist! Why would you put yourself down?" His words made your heart pounding. You gulped & nodded, "Okay, deal." He smiled brightly & clasped his hands together, "Good! Now what's your name?" "(Y/N)." "KD."

Henlo. I was bored af until an idea came from the heavens & I decided to write.
N̶o̶t̶ a̶ s̶i̶n̶g̶l̶e̶ l̶e̶m̶o̶n̶ w̶a̶s̶ r̶e̶q̶u̶e̶s̶t̶e̶d̶...H̶m̶m̶m̶m̶...

Anyways, farewell

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