💜The Thief Whose Heart Was Stolen💜

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GalacticJewel requested this! Thanks fam!

Human & I love memes


Narrator's POV

After you were able to dethrone your older brother for the freedom of your people, you became the most powerful queen among the kingdoms. You're not those queen who would act proud and watch her armies fight, but you instead fight with your trusted soldiers during wars. You can plan with wisdom & strategy for it's need in wars & creating a better kingdom for your people. The odd thing about you was, you don't need someone to help you. Even though you have maids, butlers & etc, you don't need a king at all, "But your majesty, what if you'll die? Who will take care of our kingdom?" One of the maids asked with worry, "No need to be afraid. Death will die before I do." You firmly replied with a stern look.

In the the town halfway near the kingdom, there was a thief, who would steal jewelries & money to buy for himself. He wasn't that known though, however you knew this man being such a skilled thief. One odd thing about him was that he's handsome. The eye-catching features were his emerald green eyes & his moustache. And the fact that majority of the ladies would daydream about him! That's his charm though. Whenever he would try to steal something, he would act flirty to the women as a distraction. This odd skill reached to you, which made you frustrated since there would be often times that your maids will tell about meeting this handsome thief. You secretly told your trusted guards to arrest him at once since your curiosity took the best of you.

"Let me go at once! I didn't do anything at all!" The thief shouted as he struggled to be free from the grasps of the guards, but he was feeble, even though he looks muscular(pfft), "Silence." You firmly replied while you sat on your throne your leg over the other, "Men, bring him closer." You barked out, which the men did what you requested. The thief continued to struggle which resulted you being annoyed. You gestured the guards to let him be, which they did & bowed before they left the room, "Your Majesty, I didn't do anything-" "Says the man who stole the golden leaves from my garden." You interrupted him with a evil grin. He became silent after he heard his wrongdoing, "Before we go & talk about what punishment, we should get to know each other." You replied with a smile, which he was surprised, "What's your name?" You asked as you slightly tilted your head, "Dice, your majesty" "A great name, for a skilled thief like you." You replied with a small grin, "How long have you been stealing?" "Since I was a young man." "You mean teenage years?" He nodded slowly, "I also heard you steal ladies' hearts by your charming looks, am I right?" You questioned him as you stood up from your throne to walk down towards him, "I will prove to them that you can't make me." You whispered huskily. Since he was looking down, you took his chin & finally saw those lovely green eyes of his. As if you were looking through real-life emeralds or even jade, "Nah." You simply replied with a shrug & removed your hand from his chin, "Not working." He was surprised yet curious. How come you weren't affected, "Anyways, let's move to the punishment. Either you'll lose your head or stay here for a while." He was shocked about the two choices. The worst among them is being with you, but he wanted to live, "Fine! I'll stay here for a while. How many days?" He groaned out with a frown, "3 days, is it okay for you?" You asked thoughtfully, "That will be alright." He replied a forced smile.

He wasn't able to steal your stuff, because he was too busy thinking about his feelings. He's a thief, and he was supposed to steal, but not his heart being stolen! You're good at most things like playing instruments, writing, painting & creating battle fleets & such more, "Your Majesty, he cannot stay here, for the maids were after him!" Your butler stated with concern in his voice, "Yes, but there's something about him that made me more time to stay." You admitted with sorrow in your expression, "And that would be?" He asked, "I don't know. It made me feel sympathy for being a thief. He deserves a better life." Your butler was shocked by your words, "Y-Your majesty, you don't understand! He's a thief &-" "I know what I'm doing." You replied firmly, "Now, you're dismissed." You softly stated, which he bowed & left you. The moonlight filled the dark sky, making it look dimmer as the clouds were half fainted with the twinkling stars, "Your majesty?" A soft yet smooth voice asked behind you, "Please, call me (Y/n). Just between us, Dice." You muttered, "Is there something wrong?" He asked with concern, "Oh, nothing at all. Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" You asked with a soft smile, "I can't sleep for an unknown reason." He replied with a chuckle at the end of his sentence.

You chuckled with him, and both of sighed, "So, what do think about this place? Do you have plans to steal?" You jokingly asked him, "Actually, I don't want to steal anymore." He replied with confidence. You gasped by his unexpected words, "Why?" "The greatest treasure was stolen from me." He sadly responded while looking up at the moon, leaning on the balcony, "What's the treasure?" He then looked at you, and you did looked at him but his eyes were filled with emotions, but the one emotion was so strong that it was quite obvious. You were slowly hypnotized by his surrounding alluring beauty, and you can't stop yourself, "Wait, do you like someone?" You asked him as you made him stop getting closer, "Honestly, no. I don't have any significant other." He replied with a smirk, "I can't tell by your smirk, I have to be honest." You replied with a sad smile. He sighed sadly, "I'm just joking!" You laughed with a cute grin, "And also, you look more handsome & lovelier when you're wearing those clothing." You admitted sheepishly, "Thank you, (Y/n)." He replied with a smile, "Let's continue, shall we?" You smirked & went closer to him.

The passion was getting stronger under the warm evening, "Of course." He purred with a grin as his eyes went half-lidded. This was your first time about to kiss someone after a few months. Finally, your lips were pressed against his, as he slightly tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Supposedly it was a peck, but nah. After few seconds, both of parted, "First kiss." You remarked as your cheeks went red, "Really? I can relate to you." He did went with the ladies during evenings, but not this close, "Yes, but how about the flirting?" "Those are just stupid flirts." He replied with a smile. You only nodded before kissing him back, except more on the little rough side. It felt like hours, before he finally opened his mouth, letting your tongue to explore more. After your damn tongues danced, both of parted as the string of saliva was connected on the bottom lip, "H-How-" "I was practicing those explicit actions for preparation to find my significant other." You shyly explained, "I love how you were ready, doll." He purred as his arms snaked around your waist. You were all flustered by his sudden action, "So, who stole the treasure-Ah!" You gasped out when he began to nuzzle your neck. Your neck is kinda, sensitive, "Hm? What did you say, dear?" "I asked you who s-stole the treasure."

He began kissing your delicate neck, resulting you breathing slightly heavily, "You did." He purred with a smirk, "W-what? I didn't steal anything-A-ah! S-Stop!" He finally found your most sensitive area, that he started to focus on that to hear you sing, "Darling, you stole my heart." He replied after he stopped doing his task to look at your dreamy eyes, "I-I, How?" "You're not like the other ladies, and there's no doubt about it." He softly replied as he began to hug you, "Dice, I feel the same way to you. I believe that there's something good about you." You murmured and gave him a forehead his as you hugged him back. This will a long night...(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

|Time skippity-skip brought to you by fishes|

"Are you going to marry the thief? But-" "I know what I'm doing, and he knows better than me." You replied with a smile, "I just want to say good luck taking care of your future children." One of the maids remarked, "Thanks, Margaret." You smiled at her, "Let's go, Dice. I want to show you something!" You took his white gloved hand & ran towards outside of your kingdom, "What is it- Oh my." He finally saw his dream: a garden of silver trees with golden flowers.
"Take them. It's for you, my love." You happily remarked to him. He then walked to one of the trees, and took a flower from it. He then placed it above your ear, which you were surprised but not disappointed, "You're so beautiful, (y/n). No one will steal your heart but me." He purred with a smirk on his face, "Yes, I was taken by a handsome thief." Both of laughed by your joke. In the whole day, both of walked around the garden while try to get out of the small maze that your people built as the wind blew your capes with pride. A wonderful ending for both of you...

I READ THE STORY AGAIN, AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! T̶h̶i̶s̶ m̶a̶d̶e̶ w̶a̶n̶t̶ t̶o̶ w̶r̶i̶t̶e̶ a̶ l̶e̶m̶o̶n̶ p̶a̶r̶t̶ b̶u̶t̶ n̶o̶t̶ s̶u̶r̶e̶ a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ i̶t̶ b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ I̶ h̶a̶v̶e̶ t̶o̶ a̶s̶k̶ t̶h̶e̶ p̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶ w̶h̶o̶ r̶e̶q̶u̶e̶s̶t̶e̶d̶ a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ i̶t̶ h̶e̶h̶e̶  OH BOI I SURE LOVE FAIRYTALE LIKE STORIES. Should I write a lem on???

Anyways, Farewell

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