Midnight Scent

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Buckle up my readers, for this story, I will write some slightly nsfw stuff.

Synopsis: You weren't able to sleep because of him, your soon-to-be-lover-but-nah buddy.
Note: Human...Again...


Narrator's POV

"Ugh, Dice!" You warned him again as his arm wrapped around your waist while you faced at the wall on your bed, "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" He purred flirtatiously as he began to nuzzle your exposed neck, "Stop." You sternly replied to him, but he did not. He then felt a sharp push on his body, making him fall down from the bed, "Oof! (Y/N)!" He yelled at you, "What?" You yelled back, ignoring his wail.

The reason why you dislike him is because he's invading your privacy. From hugging you from behind to tickling you that made your soul died from laughter...
He's just here to, idk, WATCH YOU OVER. Your parents were such other protective people that they requested their friend to watch you. You're old enough to be independent. How frustrating!

One midnight, you were back from school due to your extra practice in your favorite sport for the competition next month, and also late night classes. You were so tired that when you unbutton your long sleeved dress shirt, you went to your bed to take a rest. A wolf-whistle echoed in your wide bedroom, startling you to your soul, "What the heck?" You murmured as you sat up, "My, my, you looked wonderful on that lavender bra you got there, especially the design~" Your head immediately went to look on you, and you found out that that you forgot to wear a shirt under your white blouse. The bra was lavender, and the designs were small pictures of lavenders, near the straps, "H-Hey! Why now?" You retorted as you covered yourself with your arms. The response was a hearty chuckle, making you blush a bit, "What? It's just a compliment~" Wow! A compliment? More like- "Just, leave me alone." You were so tired to argue with him, & he's a night owl. You fell asleep, ignoring his embrace.

Another midnight was truly bizarre! You were unhooking your skirt & when it fell on the carpet, it revealed, well, boxers. And no, it doesn't belong to your dad, but it belonged to- "You looked beautiful in my boxers, (Y/n)~" D purred with a smirk that made you frown & blush madly, "Oh, uh, I'm s-so sorry f-for wearing your b-boxers!" You squeaked out as you began to pull them off, but- "You don't have to be sorry. You may keep them if you want to~" Should you keep it or nah?

"Hey, Dice! I brought food-" The scent in your room was, odd. It's smelled as the combination of men's perfume & a musky scent! Your cheeks began to get warm when you realized. Did he just, "(Y/n)! I didn't know you're back!" He looked nervous, as if he's hiding something, "Why does it smells odd in here, Di?" You asked him as your continued to smell around the place, "What? What do you mean?" "I mean, it smelled-" Oh. When you went near him, the scent was stronger & that's suspicious, "Uhh." He can only muttered with a nervous grin. The face of disgust was plastered on your face, "Let's not talk about it."

+++Time skip to midnight brought to you by me riding the choo choo train+++

The sounds of kissing & gasping echoed in your bedroom, and it's even midnight, "Gosh, I really missed you, a lot." He murmured sweetly as he planted kisses on your lips & neck, "Y-yeah, I miss you too." A sudden moan escaped from your lips when he started to grind on your crotch, "You're so beautiful, (Y/n)~" His purring made you blush & appreciate yourself even more, "Hey, how about we continued tomorrow, since it's the weekend-Ah~" You were interrupted by his hand, gently squeezing on of your bosom, and inserting his tongue in your mouth, exploring. After parting, "Yes, of course! We should~" His exclaiming turned into a seductive speaking, sparking more passion in you.

"Mom, he should stay with us." "Why, yes! For we have business trips in this month. Thanks for the reminder, dear." Your mother replied with a sweet smile & kissed your forehead. They then left house, leaving you & your friend/lover-idk-anymore. You turned to him, and gave him a wink.

Speaking of the midnight scent, and that what you called that, it was actually Dice doing, let's just say, one private thing that men would do if they were frustrated & needing/wanting the touch of their dear partners.

It. Was. A. Weird. Ass. Story. Bois.

Anyways, farewell

King Dice x Reader Oneshots |DISCONTINUED|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt