A Teacher's Gift: The Second Part

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Welp, another part because why not uwu.
Also, please read the story with the same title for you to understand the situation.

Synopsis: during the first day of vacation begun, your substitute decided to spend a day with some date & welp
Note: hooman again & modern.

Enjoy! OWO

Narrator's POV

You finally arrived your house, which was a second storey one, "Geez, why is time running fast?" You mumbled as you took your keys from your (f/c) bag. You inserted the key, and turned it 2 times, and finally unlocked your oak door. Entering the quite room, you locked your door again. You did consider sleeping in your dorm room but it's a bit tight, "Home sweet, home!" You exclaimed with a sigh of relief. Your home is not that huge, nor not that small. Just the perfect size & simply beautiful. Your mother bought this house before you even graduated highschool. Anyways, you went upstairs, and opened your bedroom door. Ah, you did missed your dear room. You squealed & bounced on your bed & sighed deeply. Suddenly, a thought of him began to appear in just a few seconds. You felt your heart flutter once more, and your face getting red. You sat up, and thought for a moment. Taking your phone, you sent him a text, asking him how's life. He did reply, this: Having a great evening with day with my friends. Also, how are you, dear?
You replied that you're fine. The chat was kinda short yet it's fun. Anyways, you ate your leftover dinner, and did your evening rituals. Warmth began to take over your body, and an odd urge to go south. You brushed it off, and went to bed peacefully.

"What a darling..."
"Aww, no need to be shy, dearie. You look so perfect~"
"J-Just like that, baby. K-keep on doing that."
"You looked so damn pretty when you're working o-on it..."

"Holy Fu-" The alarm clock rang, and you switched it off immediately. You were in your confused state, while sitting up as you saw the rays of sunlight passed through your bedroom window. You were red & sweating, but how? You didn't even do something that makes you sweat. But, you could only hear his words, wanting you to be his, which was weird. He's just a teacher, however he can be not just that. You brushed off the confusion state, & stretched your limbs because that's what people do before leaving bed, right? Anyways, you left your bed, and went to your mirror to look at your reflection. Hair's messy, eyes' tired & why is there a damp spot on your- Oh.

|Time skippeu|

"Would you like to hang out later?" You thought for a moment why eating your delicious & warm breakfast, "Yeah sure? What time?" "10:30pm" "Okie dokie."
You placed your phone on your table, "What to wear then?" You thought while eating peacefully. Aftering eating your breakfast, you washed your dishes & went to the bathroom to take a shower.
After a while, you went to your closet to choose the perfect one. It's quite simple though: A dark lilac shirt with sleeves until to your elbows with a simple text stating, "The King's Magician*"; A dark colored pants that seemed to curve your figure, which you dislike it, but you chose it.
Anyways, after wearing the chosen outfit, you looked at the time. Welp, just in time, "But does he know my address?" You wondered. You looked at your phone, and a message mentioned that he will meet you at that certain park near the school, "Oh." You mumbled as you began to lock your door with your black sling bag.

|Time s k i p p e u, also *remember that oneshot? |

"Where is he?" You wondered as you clutched your phone. Suddenly, you heard your name. It was faint yet you heard it clearly, "Sir?" You looked at that direction and you saw him. Damn. His outfit looked simple: A long coat with a collar; a black sweater under it; a pair of dress pants? It's quite weird but still fine; and finally his shoes were similar to a pair of dance shoes.
"O-Oh, you look w-wonderful." You muttered as you smiled sheepishly, "Why thank you dearie, and same thin' to you." You thanked him as you went closer to him sheepishly, "And is that shirt you're wearin' on purpose?" He flirtatiously asked you, resulting you blushing deeper, "H-hey! I don't have other good shirts, you know!" You exclaimed & folded your arms as you pouted. He let out a deep hearty chuckle, "Ugh, l-let's just go on a date or something." You remarked while still pouting a bit, "Alright then, darlin'" He replied and held your hand gently & swinged it a bit. Someone else was watching you, which was your enemy, feeling jealous. Both of you went to a coffee shop, and while waiting for him because he went to the washroom. Diana, the same girl who was feeling jealous a while ago, "Hey you!" She firmly called you with her hands on her hips, "Diana?" "You slut! You're hanging out with that substitute teacher! I love him more than you do!" She angrily muttered at you when she sat in front of you. You can somehow see her eye twitch, "What the? You like him too? That's great news." You sarcastically answered while softly clapping, "Diana? What are ya doing here?"
You heard KD asked in a soft yet sharp manner, "Why are you dating that stupid bitch anyways? She doesn't have that type of body you want!" She exclaimed in front of his face, "Stupid? The stupid bitch is yer ass. The highest grade you have among the courses you took is none, but being a harlot with a jealous ego." He calmly replied with a frown, which made Diana even upset.

"You bastard! I'll tell your school that your school that you're having a relationship with a student!" "At least she's smart & such a wonderful student," He started & went closer to her, & she leaned slightly, "Unlike you." This made your enemy storm off the place. Of course, a few people witnessed it but they didn't mind because they were more focused on eating their garlic breads & coffee, "I apologize about that—woman." He replied with a chuckle, "You think I'm wonderful?" You were confused yet a bit happy, "Of course! It doesn't matter about that shape of your body." He explained with a slightly blush, "I-I thank—you." You nervously chuckled with him, "Anyways, what did you order?" "(fav/dessert) & (fav/drink)." You nodded with a smile as you looked at the noon sun, "How about yours?" He shook his head with a cute smile, "Don't worry. I ate lunch a bit early." You hummed & nodded slightly. After you finally received the order, you ate slowly because you know that he's watching & you're in the public. Oh well, his either foot went to your crotch area. How come it was easy for him? You slightly spread your legs. Oof, "Mmf?" A sudden spark of arousal went through your body, "Hey!" Your word was muffled because of the food, "What?" He asked you innocently with a smile that was far from seductive, "Your foot! And we're in public, Dice!" You hissed with worry as sweat began to flow out & your face getting warmer, "What do you mean? It's on the floor-" He stopped when he saw your face being serious, "Okay, okay. But promise me you'll submit, capiche?" He whispered and leaned towards you, "Not sure, but okay." You shrugged as you continued to eat.

|Time skip to the afternoon to the playground|

"Hey, (Y/n)?" "Yes, sir?" He sighed before asking the question, "Do you think your parents will accept me?" Your eyes went wide and looked down as if it made you return to the past, "What's wrong?" "My parents—passed away when I was young." You looked at him with your eyes seemingly tearing up, "Oh, I am sorry for your loss." He muttered sadly, "It's fine. But if they were alive to accept you or not, they would gladly accept you." "Why?" You moved your body towards his on the swing, "Boys in my school really hate me for some reason. Maybe I didn't reach their expectations. They only used me because I'm smart." KD attentively listened, "But I'm used to it." You shrugged while pushing in a low level on the swing, "(Y/n), I actually didn't expected you—I don't understand why I'm feeling in love in a emotional level. I'm just an adult teaching college students, which is quite fun yet boring. Until, you came to my world. I don't have the right vocabulary—but it's like ecstasy mixed with joy for some reason." You held his hands and you were speechless, "I love you, KD." You muttered before kissing him once again. Well, after a few seconds, you confessed something private, "I—kinda thought of you when I-" "Really? You naughty girl~" He purred which you cringed a tad, "I-I know." You muttered while blushing.

Meanwhile, a kiddo overheard your conversation, and slid down a long slide while smiling in a confused manner, "It's gonna be a long ass ride." She muttered while facepalming herself.

To be continued...?

Imma make a lemon o o f
Anyways, the lemon part will be the final one. Sorry oof.

Anyways, farewell!
Y e e t

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