Calum Hood #1

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You and Calum were best friends for over 4 years now, and the more his name got known, the more harder it got for you two to hang out, let alone even talk, but he pulled his way through and you did as well too.

Calum was on tour for the past 3 in a half months, so you two haven't talked as often as you wished to, but he made sure to send a text once in a while throughout his day when he wasn't too busy. You understood what was going on, and you respected the space he needed when he needed it.

You pretty bummed out that you haven't seen your own best friend for a while. Your life wasn't too interesting, so he wasn't missing out on much, but you still wished he was there. He's your best friend, obviously you wanted him around.

You were out with your mom for the day,
"You miss him, don't you?" your mum asked. You sat there trying to know what to say, "Yeah... but i mean he'll be back soon, not too much of a big deal" Your mum could tell that this was killing you. You felt a little stupid, cause he was JUST a friend, maybe it was cause of all the days you two spent together, that it felt so strange that he was now far away for a while.

Your mum went to get you two some drinks at the booth, as you sat there waiting. You felt your phone buzz a few times, so you pulled your phone out to take a look at it to see Calum calling you on facetime. You couldn't of been more excited then now. You accepted the call, to see his face again.
"HEYYY (y/n) How are you? I miss ya!" Calum said. You could tell he was in his hotel room and that he had just finished performing not too long ago.
"Hey, I miss you too. I'm good, just out with my mum, how's the tour?" you looked over to your mum to see her talking to the lady that was getting your drinks ready.
"Tour is awesome, kind of sucks to be far away from you, playing video games isn't the same without you, Michael likes to think he's better than me" Calum said as he giggled to hear Michael in the background yell
"Hey I AM better than you" You sat there in your chair laughing at his expressions and comments to Michael going back and forth for a few more seconds.
"Well anyways, I wanted to text you some good news, but i felt that it would be better to say it face to face" He said as he laughed.
"What?! What's the good news?" Calum sat there in his bed, with the phone to his face, trying to find a way to say his good news.
"Okay, well I'm flying you out to come see us, and spend the last week on tour with me, well and the other guys, but mostly me" He said as he giggled to his last comment. You sat there in shock and speechless, you had no idea what to say "OMG, that is the best news i ever heard in a long time" Calum smiled, seeing how happy

• • •

The week has finally come, you were all packed and excited to see Calum right in front of you rather over face time. You were now at the airport getting your bags as you were heading over to the exit of the airport, just as you were about to check your phone, you felt two hands cover your eyes
"Guess who?" You recognised the voice instantly and gasped.
"CAL-PAL!" You turn around to see Calum smiling down at you. You gave him the biggest hug you've ever given anybody.
"It's so great to see you!" Calum said in your ear while you two hugged for a little longer.

• • •

Calum took your bags out of the car boot to help bring them into the big bus that was the tour bus he slept in at times. "We sleep here when were on the road, but we also sleep in hotels, but for the moment being, we'll be in here for the day" He told you, as you walked in to see Michael playing a game, while Ashton and Luke were at the table talking with coffee in their hands, it was about 10:30 in the morning so not much was going on in this tour bus.

When the other boys all noticed you were there, they all greeted you with a hello and a hug. Maybe not Michael on the other hand
"I AM the best at video games FYI" Michael said, it was probably the funniest way to greet someone, but that was Michael for you.

You and Calum decided it would be a great way to catch up so you two sat in the little room that they called the game room. You two laughed at old inside jokes, and talked about friends that lived on the street you both lived on.
"So no boyfriend or loves interest?" Calum asked as he did a little shy giggle.
"Hmm well I think I have a girl crush on Jennifer Lawrence I mean if that counts" you said, both of you laughing.
"Very funny"
"Yeah, no boyfriend, no lover unfortunately" Calum raises his eyebrow.
"Unfortunately?" Before you could answer Ashton came bursting in the room
"We're at our hotel stop now" You both looked at each other and back to Ashton and to start laughing for no reason, Ashton was a little lost, but he just left the room.

You were now backstage and the boys were preparing themselves to head on stage in the next 20 minutes. You could tell Luke and Calum were a little more on the nervous side whereas Ashton and Michael were cool about it.

5 Minutes left until they had to go on stage. They said their good lucks and started to head to where the stage was, while they were also practicing their vocals along the way.
"2 minutes left guys" the guy next to the curtain yelled out. You looked over to Calum too see him walk over to you, you thought he was going to make some quirky comment, but to feel his hands on your waist and his lips on yours. For that last 2 minutes he had before heading on stage, were involved with a 2 minute make out session.

"Alright guys, go go go!!" The man held the curtain open as Luke, Ashton and Michael ran on stage.
"This can be my way of saying good luck before every show from now on" Calum whispered as he ran off on stage to greet the crowd. You stood there in shock and felt butterflies in your stomach. Your first kiss was never the way you imagined it, but it was definitely the most perfect way to have it.

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