Michael Clifford #1

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It was your free period for school and you decided to retreat to the music room to practice the new song you wrote. You set up a stool and music stand and opened to your recent song. You then tuned your acoustic guitar and started to play and sing. You stopped a few times to fix the lyrics or change the chords. When you finished you heard someone behind you, startled you turned around to see someone standing behind you.

"You're really talented" He says with a smile.

"Thank you, how long have you been here?" You says, a bit embarrassed.

"Long enough to know you have a beautiful voice," he says smiling shyly at you.

"Do you play?" You say to him.

"Yeah I'm in a band," he says.

"Oh that's so cool!"

"Did you want to come with me to band practice tomorrow? You have an amazing voice"

"Sure that'd be awesome, and thanks by the way."

The bell rings and Michael waits for you to pack up your stuff and walks you to your next class.

A/N Sorry this is really short :( I'll make a better one I promise

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