Michael Clifford #3

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"What are you looking for Michael?" You asked as you watched Michael search around your bedroom.

"I can't find it?" He yelled, obviously very annoyed and frustrated. You and Michael had just finished moving into your new house together, so you weren't very organised yet.

"Mike, what are you looking for?" You walked in front of him making him stop in his path. He put his hands on your shoulders and softly said

"Daniel" Daniel was Michael's favourite stuffed lion. Michael let go of your shoulders and continued his search for Daniel. You mouthed out an 'oh'


"Where did you leave him last? You asked him as he began to look under our bed, even though there was nothing under there. Michael eventually went to search in all the boxes with his stuff in it. Michael shrugged, pouting.

After a while, you decided to make Michael stop looking.

"Mikey, maybe we left him at our old house?" you whispered softly. Michael stood there processing your words in his head. After a while, he just brought his hands to his face and covered it with his hands. Oh no... You thought to yourself. "Are you okay?" You asked Michael as you walked towards him and wrapped your arms around him.

"I miss him" he said softly.

"If you want we can go check the old house? It's not much of a drive there. I don't think it's too late to check before the new owners move in." You said trying to cheer him up. Michael took his hands off his face and nod his head up and down.

"Okay, lets go." You say, walking towards the counter and grabbing your car keys. You then suddenly felt his hand grab your arm, spinning you around, and bringing you into a close hug. He leaned in and kissed you softly.

"Love you" he said as he pulled away.

"Love you too." you said as you gave him a small kiss on his cheek. You made your way to the car and began your trip to the old house. Michael sat in silence the whole car ride there. You pulled into your old drive way, and got out of the car. You both walked up to the front door , you bent down and lifted up the door mat that had the keys to the house under it. You handed them to Michael, who quickly put the key into the keyhole and turned the doorknob. The door swung open. It was dark, and empty. So lifeless, that it almost didn't feel like a home to you anymore. Michael walked in first and then began looking for Daniel. You stood there and watched Michael go back and fourth into your old 2 story tall house. "It's too dark in here.. I can't see!" Michael yelled from our kitchen. You then remembered that inside the boot of your car, you had a flashlight.

"Babe, I'll be right back. There is a flashlight in the car!" You yelled to Michael as you walked out the door and towards the car. You opened the back door and began to look around the boot for the flashlight. "Gosh, for a small car, there is a huge mess in here." You said to yourself as you kept looking for the flashlight. As you were looking around for the flashlight, you were greeted by a dark grey backpack.

It had "MICHAEL" written on it with huge letters on the back. It was decorated with numerous pins and patches that had band names written on them. Curious, you opened it and found a blanket, a change of clothes, a towel, and on the very bottom, there was Daniel. You shook your head from side to side laughing, as you zipped up the backpack and put it back in the trunk. You then found the flashlight underneath his backpack. You ran back inside the house and found Michael standing by the front door.

"Took you long enough." He said with small smile on his face.

"Sorry, there was a lot of stuff in the boot." You said. Michael took the flashlight from your hand and ran back into the house.

A normal girlfriend would be nice and politely tell Michael that Daniel was in his bag, but of course you and Michael are far from a normal relationship. You decided to let Michael search the house until he gave up. It should teach him a lesson on being a bit more organised and making sure everything was out of the car. You watched as he looked around the house. Searching every room, cabinet, closet, pantry, and even in the attic..After 20 minutes of him searching, he came back downstairs with a sad look on his face.

"He's not here." He said in a raspy voice. You was starting to feel bad for Michael. Just knowing that he lost something very close to him and seeing him very upset was heart breaking.

"Lets go. He'll turn up eventually." You said giving him a light smile and hugging him. He hugged you back tightly.

"I hope you're right." He said walking out of the house. He put the keys back under the mat and walked towards the car. You then locked the front door from the inside and closed it. You gave the house one last look before walking towards the car.

"Y/N, can you press the button to open the boot to put the flashlight away please?" He said in a low voice. You opened the trunk and he put the flashlight in. Before closing it, his eyes were met by his dark grey backpack. You walked closer to him to see his reaction and his eyes were slowly being lit up. He opened the backpack and began to take everything out. He pulled out a blanket, a pair of pants, an All Time Low shirt, some socks, his boxers, and a towel. When he saw what was at the bottom of his backpack, he let out a somewhat high-pitched scream and jumped up and down in excitement. He grabbed Daniel and hugged the stuffed lion and crushed it hard against his chest. "DANIEL!!! I thought I had lost you forever!! I'm never going to let you out of my sight!" Michael said as he spun around the drive way with Daniel.

"I was going to tell you when we got home." You said smiling and laughing at how happy Michael was.

"You knew?! Why didn't you tell me he was there!" Michael said as he crossed his arms and pouted.

"I thought it would be funny seeing you search around the house. Anyways, when we were unloading our stuff out of the car, you said that there was no more. You didn't bother to look in the boot." You said giggling at Michael's face.

"I hate you!" Michael said laughing and getting into the car. You closed the boot and got into the car.

"Nah you don't, you love me" you smirk as Michael just rolls his eyes at you.

On our drive back home, Michael couldn't stop smiling. It was honestly the cutest/hottest thing in the world. You got home and Michael quickly ran out the car and went inside your house. I came in seconds later only to find Michael tucking Daniel into our bed.

"I guess Daniel took my spot?" You said giggling at seeing an 18, almost 19 year old man, putting his stuffed animal to bed.

"I swear, if you say something to the guys, I swear I will..."

"You will what?" You said cutting him off mid sentence walking towards him.

"I will... Love Daniel more than you." He said pointing at Daniel. He then wrapped his long arms around you and gave you a tight hug. He leaned in close to you and said

"Don't tell Daniel, but I love you more than him." He said resting his head on my shoulder. You just ran your fingers through his messy hair.

"I think we should go to bed and get some rest." You said, still running your fingers through his hair.

"Uhhhhh" Michael let out, meaning that he was too tired to move from that spot.

"Come on, Mike. I'm tired, you're tired, Daniel's tired.." You said letting out a yawn. Michael then groaned once more, before belly flopping onto the bed next to Daniel. You turned off the lights and laid down next to Michael, who was snuggling with Daniel.

"I'm glad you found Daniel, Y/N." Michael said in a sleepy, raspy voice. You didn't reply because you were too tired to speak, you just smiled and snuggled into his chest. It had been a long day for you both. Moving things, unpacking things, setting up your bed so you could sleep on it tonight, hooking up the tv to the cable box, setting up the recording/office room with all the equipment in it and of course, looking for Daniel. You felt Michael move in closer to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Goodnight beautiful. See you in the morning." He said giving you a soft kiss on your forehead.

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