Michael Clifford #4

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The Only Exception

Y/N I sorta added Calum into this one as well. oops but double update so you're welcome

You were over at Michael's house just lying around when you spot his acoustic guitar.

"Ooo cool" you hop up and race over to the guitar. You run your fingers over the strings. Michael walked over to you rolling his eyes.

"Yes Y/N that's called and acoustic guitar" You punch him lightly in the arm and laugh.

"Oh really I though this was a piano" this time Michael laughs with you.

"So have you ever played guitar" you shrug your shoulders.

"Sorta, I played it a lot in primary school but not so much anymore." Michael reaches out and takes the guitar off the stand. He sits back down off the couch and starts strumming anonymous chords. You realise he was playing The Only Exception and you started to sing along. You both absolutely love the song so you both begin to sing and play with impetuous passion. You close your eyes as Michael began to harmonise with you.

As you finished the song you sighed blissfully, looking up to Michael who was looking down at you.

"That was so much fun wow" Michael smiles, nodding in agreement.

"That was awesome!! Y/N! Where did that voice come from?! Damn" startled, you and Michael both look towards the voice. None other than Calum Hood was standing there beaming. You raise your eyebrow in confusion.

"Where did you come from?"

"Do you really wanna go down that road?" Michael chuckled at Calum's weirdness.

"No weirdo, I mean how did you get into the house?"

"The front door" Calum smiles as you mentally facepalm. "Hey, you wanted an answer!" You roll you eyes and laugh.

"Watcha doin' here, dumpling?" Michael quickly covers himself before Calum's body collided with his. Unfortunetly, Calum plays hard so the entire couch fell over causing everyone to land in a pile. You groan in pain as you try and get Michael's legs off your stomach.

"Dumpling?! I'm not bloody Asian!"

"Calm the fuck down Calum. I was just joking... my little Chinese cabbage" Michael smirks as Calum groans in annoyance.

"You're a cabbage" Calum mumbled as got up off the floor. Everyone is silent for a second before you and Michael burst out laughing.

"Calum, what a brutal comeback" you say, tears in your eyes from laughing so hard.

"He does have green hair!"

"Ohmygosh that's so true. MICHAEL IS A CABBAGE" You and Calum start running 'round the house chanting like children.

After several minutes of chanting you crash onto the couch which was now upright again.

"You guys are a bunch of children"

"Hey! I'm 18 thank you" Calum smiled proudly.

"You are still a children in spirit Calum"

"Yeah true but at least I'm legally an adult unlike someone else" Both Michael and Calum point their fingers at you and laugh. You cross your arms and begin to fake cry.


"Noo Y/N! Don't cry" You look up just in time to be engulfed by 4 giant arms. You start to giggle and squirm uncontrollably as they tickle you.

After a few more minutes of mucking around like children, you cuddle up against Michael in defeat. Michael began to stroke your hair as Calum got up.

"I gotta go sorry, I only just wanted to stop by briefly. See ya later"

"Bye!" You and Michael call out.

As Calum shuts the door you look up to Michael and pout.

"I'm really tired."

"It's 2pm"

"So?" Michael rolls his eyes and laughs.

"So. Why are you really tired at 2pm"

"Tumblr?" Michael chuckles softly.

"Typical you" This time you laugh and swiftly get up off the couch. You begin to walk up the stairs as a pair of hands wrap around your waist. You turn around and see Michael hovering over you. Smiling, you stand on your toes and give him a quick kiss.

"I'm gonna sleep now, bye." You turn and jog up the stairs into Michael's room and jump under the covers. As you closed your eyes, you feel the sheets move and a warm body cuddle up to you. You feel soft lips press against your neck.

"Nighty night beautiful" You smile briefly and giggle softly before closing your eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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