Ashton Irwin #4

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You're sick

It started out as just an itchy throat, then later on the sniffling, the coughs and sneezes, all adding up to what seemed like a bad cold.

You walked into the living room where you saw your boyfriend sitting down watching TV, he saw you walk in and smiled that cheesy smile you can never resist. You pout, flopping down next to him and bringing your face into his neck.

"What's wrong, sunshine?" He asks. You can hear worry in his voice.

"I feel awful" you groan out in response. He puts his hand to his forehead and gasps

"Y/N, sweetie, you're burning up! Let's get you to bed you shouldn't be walking around!"

Before you know it, you're on his back, and he's carrying you off to bed. He puts you down gently and puts the covers over you. He kisses your forehead, makes a wait here gesture, and leaves the room. He comes back soon after with a wet cloth and he puts it in your forehead. He puts pillows behind the back.

"Are you comfortable, babe?" You nod and pout out

"Thanks Ash, I wish I could kiss you right now" he chuckles.

"I do too, but one of us has to be healthy, you germy princess" you hit his chest playfully, laughing.

He climbs onto the bed lying down next to you.

"Why don't you sleep?" You dont have to be told twice, your eyelids already feeling heavy. All you feel as you drift to sleep is your hand in his, his thumbs rubbing yours.

Waking up, you feel the space next to you empty. You croak out

"Ash?" He walks in with a bowl. He sits down carefully next to you, lifts up a spoon, he smiled big.

"I made you soup" You smile uo at him.

"Thank you Ashy"

"Open up, babe, here comes the airplane!" He laughs and makes an airplane noise, and you laugh too, opening up and taking in a spoonful of delicious soup.

"Ash, you big dummy, I'm not a baby." He flashes one of his huge smiles that never fails to make your heart skip a beat.

"Nah, you're my baby." You smile, as he feeds you another spoonful.

"I can feed myself, you know." He chuckles and says

"Well I enjoy feeding my princess" as he kisses your nose. After he finishes feeding you, he puts the bowl to the side and he cuddles up next to you, putting his arm around your shoulders, and taking your hand to watch TV peacefully with you.

Maybe being sick wasn't as bad as you thought.

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