[Shouto Todoroki x Reader] The Truth

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Quirk: Your quirk enables you to force other to tell the truth, or allow you to make consequences for someone if they lie. For example, you can make someone vomit if they lie as long as you touch them and 'set the rule'. However, you can only ever speak the truth.

"So Y/n, are you going to tell me who your crush is, or am I going to have to make my guess?" questioned Ochako.

"Nope," you replied, popping the 'P'.

Todoroki shook his head disapprovingly, "You don't have to do this Y/n."

"It's fine Shouto," you explained, "She'd keep asking anyway, so might as well let her guess."

Secretly, you were hoping she hadn't figured it out because there was no way you could deny it. It also made it ten times more awkward when your crush was literally sitting beside you. Yes, Todoroki was your crush. You were both ecstatic and terrified when he started hanging out with you, Ochako, Izuku, and Tenya after the events of the Sports Festival.

"Now," began Uraraka dramatically, "Over the past few days I've been carefully observing you, my dear Y/n. I have concluded that your crush is Todoroki!"

Your eyes grew so wide they almost popped out of your head and your whole body tensed.

Thankfully, Todoroki spoke, "Don't be ridiculous Uraraka. Y/n and I have been friends since childhood. It would be absurd to think she would have a crush on me, right Y/n?"

As he spoke, you stared at your napkin. Your heart sank.

'Did that mean he didn't like you?' you thought. Although, since you your gaze was locked on your napkin, you didn't notice the light dusting of pink on his cheeks.

You pulled a pen out of your pocket. You scribbled something on your napkin and handed it to Uraraka.

" 'I don't like Shouto'," read the brunette, "Why'd you write it down Y/n?"

You sighed before answering, "I can only speak the truth."

Both Ochako and Shouto's eyes widened at your statement. With your eyes firmly shut, you stood up from the lunch table, picked up your back, and began walking away, desperately trying to hold back tears.

You were meandering aimlessly through the halls of UA when you heard footsteps running towards you.

"Y/n!" called a familiar voice.

You stopped moving and turned to the source of the sound. Shouto.

As he reached you, he paused, panting slightly, before speaking, "Y/n... I like you too. I just thought you only saw me as a friend since that's all we've been for so long."

Your eyes widened. You couldn't believe it. With tears forming in the corner of your eyes, you pulled the dual haired boy into a tight embrace.

A/n: kind of short again, but I thought it was a cool concept. Hope you enjoyed it <3


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