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Punk Liam.

No one thought that Liam and Harry's relationship would never happen, but they proved them wrong. They have been together for two years, and they love each other.

But, lately things have been sour.

Arguing over the littlest of things, ignoring each other for a large amount of time. They've just not been the couple that everyone knew and loved.

But, last nights argument was the worst one yet.

;Last night;

'I just wish you stopped drinking as much! We've hardly spent any time together lately!' Harry explained, but it didn't do any good.

'Look, you're my boyfriend, not my father, I just want to live my life before I get tied down!' Liam explained.

'Tied down? Do you think I would stop you from chasing your dreams? We have a life together, your solo career is going so well, it's not like I'm going to hold you back from doing what you love!' Harry argued.

'Whatever, I'm going out.' Liam said.

'But, Liam-'

"I just said that you're my boyfriend, not my father! I don't need a fucking curfew, Harry! For fuck sake, give me some fucking space!' Liam spat, leaning the house and slamming the door behind him.


Things have been tense throughout the day, Harry has been avoiding Liam, he even slept in the guest room.

Harry was in the middle of making breakfast when Liam walked in. "Morning." Liam mumbled, taking a seat at the table, watching Harry cook. "What's for breakfast?" He asked.

"You need to make your own." Harry mumbled in reply. "But, you always make me breakfast?" Liam said confused. "I'm your boyfriend, not your father." Harry said, putting the food that was in the frying pan on a plate.

"Harry, look, if this is about last night-" "I don't want to talk about it, Liam." Harry said cutting Liam off. "Harr-" "I'm giving you space, just like you've always wanted." Harry said, once again cutting Liam off.

Liam sighed, watching Harry walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. "Are you not eating in here?" Liam asked, no matter if they have a fight or argument, they always eat in the same room.

"I'm giving you space, Liam!" Harry called back, Liam letting out a sigh.

He's really fucked up this time.

For the past week, it's been too much for Liam, Harry has hardly spoke to him, he rejects his kisses, hugs, and he hardly says he loves Liam, he doesn't even say it back when Liam tells him.

He needs his Harry back.

Liam grabbed his coat, keys and phone, about to walk out the door when he heard Harry sigh behind him.

"Going out again?" He asked, Liam turning around to face him. "Uh, yeah. I'm not going to be long, just an hour or so." Liam replied. "Where are you going?" Harry asked. "Just out." Liam replied, leaving before Harry could ask anything else.

Harry let out a sigh, heading to the dining room, blowing out the candles that are set on the table. "I knew he forgot." He mumbled and sat at the table, waiting for Liam to return.

Two hours went by, Liam still wasn't back, so Harry just decided to tidy up. But, just then Liam came back.

"Sorry, I lost track of time, I'm sorry-whats all this?" Liam asked, nodding towards the table. Harry let out a sigh, and handed Liam a card and a box. "Happy anniversary, Liam." Harry said, Liam going wide eyed.

"Oh, my-Harry, I'm sorry!" Liam said. Harry shrugged, "it's stupid." He said. "No, it's not fine. I'm not doing anything to stop us from growing apart." Liam argued.

"Then you should've stayed when I wanted you to, I don't ask for much in life, Li. All I want is to spend time with my boyfriend, who I rarely get to see because of our busy schedules and I'm going on tour soon, so..." Harry explained.

"I know. I know, I'm sorry." Liam said, looking down. Harry sighing, pulling Liam into a tight embrace. "I've missed your hugs." Liam said, feeling his eyes brim with tears. "Ive missed yours too."

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