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Dad; Louis.
Papa; Liam.

Abbie wiped her tears with the sleeve of her hoodie, as her dads left with her twin brother once again, not even asking if she wanted to go.

It's always been like this, getting ignored, her brother, Matthew getting favoured, always getting left behind. Been like that her whole life.

Matthew asked if she could come but they didn't reply. They just hurried out of the house and slammed the door behind them.

So, here Abbie was, in her room crying her eyes out. But, she stopped, something in her snapping as she grabbed her phone and hoodie.

She left the house, heading to the park, the place she goes to when she needs to clear her head. The park was abandoned so it was always empty.

A few hours went past and her phone went off. "Hello?" She asked. "Where the hell are you?" It was Louis, he sounded mad. "Out." Abbie replied. "I know that! But, where? You need to come home, it's dark outside and you're going to be cold. I don't want you getting sick." He explained.

He's never said that, doesn't want her to get sick, makes her believe that they still care just a little bit.

"I'll come home soon." Abbie said. "No! You come home now! Where are you and we'll come and get you." Louis said. "No, I don't want you to come and get me, I want to be on my own for a little while longer." Abbie explained. "Abbie, it was a choice, tell me where you are right now!" Louis said.

"No!" Abbie said and hung up the phone. Louis tried calling again but she just turned her phone off.

Half an hour went by and Abbie felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Matthew. "What are you doing here?" Abbie asked. "I could ask you the same thing, dad and papa are freaking out, they've got Niall and Harry looking for you as well." Matthew replied.

"I'm not going back-" "what the hell do you think you're playing at?! Do you think it's funny!? Freaking your papa and I like that?!" Louis asked. "Your papa is at home, biting his fingernails wondering if you're still ok! Get up and get home now!" Louis said, taking Abbie's arm.

"I'm not going back to a house where no one cares about me! I've been brought up by people who favour Matthew! No one even notices me! You didn't even remember my birthday! Three days ago! Do you know how fucking miserable I felt?! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" Abbie yelled and took off running.

"Abbie!" Matthew yelled, he and Louis both running after her.

Abbie ran and ran until she got back home, going to pack so she could leave for good.

She crossed the road, Liam at the front door, Louis and Matthew running from the corner. "ABBIE!" Louis yelled.

Abbie was in the middle of the road when a car came out of nowhere, making her roll on top of it, and landing on the other side, head first.

The car coming to a sudden stop.

"ABBIE!!" Louis and Liam screamed, Matthew looking at his sister in shock. "No." He whispered, finally running beside Louis as he and Liam kneeled down beside her, Louis putting her head in his lap.

Harry and Niall then came out of the car, Harry's face pale. "I-I'm so so-sorry." He stuttered. "Why didn't you stop?" Louis asked, tears streaming down his face as he looked up at Harry. "WHY DID YOU NOT STOP?!" Liam then yelled.

"I didn't see her! I'm sorry, I didn't see her!" Harry replied, pulling at his hair as he let out sobs.

Louis looked down at Abbie, hand running through her hair. "I'm so sorry, love. I'm sorry about everything, the thing is, we did remember your birthday. We were planning to take you to Paris. We know how much you love that place, how it's your dream to see the Eiffel Tower, all lit up. We were planning to take you tomorrow, we didn't take you out with us today is because we were telling Matthew about it. We love you so much, love and we're sorry for ignoring you." He explained.

"Abbie, remember when papa tried to make your cake at he tricked dad? Like, he put cake on a balloon and gave dad a knife and he crapped himself when the balloon popped? Or, remember when you turned wanted to give your old toys to children who don't have any? Or, when it was dad and papa's anniversary and you made them a video?" Matthew asked, tears streaming down his face.

"The ambulance is on its way." Niall said, Liam looking up at him. "It's too late." He whispered as he nodded towards Abbie who had blood coming out of her nose and her skin ghost white.

"We had the whole week planned out for you, lov-"

"Why is she cold?" Louis asked, cutting Liam off as he looked at Abbie, not realising how she looked. "Li, why is she cold?" He asked looking at Liam. "She's gone, Lou." Liam replied.

Louis' head snapped towards Harry, gently placing Abbie onto Liam, standing up. "SHE'S DEAD! SHE'S DEAD AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Louis yelled, pushing Harry. "I'M SORRY!" Harry yelled.

"HER LAST WORDS WERE THAT SHE HATES ME! SHE HATES ME!" Louis yelled. "I'M SORRY!" Harry yelled again.

"I will never forgive you! None of us will! Stay away from us! I mean it, Harry! You stay away from us. You as well, Niall. For good."

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