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Dad; Liam.
Family friend; Harry.
Punk Imagine.

'Dad, look I did it!' Finally being able to do it, learning how to ride a bike, going out out with friends.

'Look dad, I drew you a picture.' Feeling the pride as you coloured inside the lines, having a big smile on your face when you saw him put it on the fridge.

'I got you this for your birthday, dad. I know how much you wanted it, seeing you stare at it every time we watch past the shop.' The smile slowly dropping when he didn't show interest. Slowly putting the present on the table.

'So, what's the plan for today, dad? Dad?' He was nowhere to be found, he didn't pick up the phone, it always rang out on the first ring, like he hung up.

'Dad, did I do something wrong? Why aren't you talking to me anymore?' Heart slowly breaking, the relationship they used to have slowly falling apart.

Day by day, she's losing hope, hope that her dad still cares, still loves her.

"Do people look at your dad in a weird way?" Mrs Lester asked, writing down in her notebook, her legs crossed, looking at me with a soft smile.

Shannon slowly nodded, playing with her fingers as she let out a sigh. "They don't think he looks like a father. He's giving people the wrong message. He's a great dad, the best one I could ever ask for, but people don't realise that, do they? They take one good look at him and immediately judge." She replied.

"When did he start becoming distant?" Mrs Lester asked, you can see the sympathy in her eyes, you could tell she cares. She realises how painful it must've been.

Shannon shrugged, "I don't know, I guess...since I was about seven. It was a bit sudden, it happened just after his twenty-ninth birthday." She replied.

"What did your mum think about this?" Mrs Lester asked, immediately seeing how Shannon's face dropped, her shoulders falling, tears welling up in her eyes.

"She-she ran out on us. It was, uh...after I was born. She wasn't ready to be a Mum. I always thought that she just took one look at me and didn't want anything to do with me. I feel that way with my dad, I feel like he's just going to be like my mum. He's just slowly giving up on me." Shannon replied, a tear making its way down her face, Mrs Lester handing her a tissue.

"When did you find out that was the reason? Who told you?" Mrs Lester asked, feeling tears brim in her eyes as well. "Uh, my dad told me, he sat me down and told me everything, it was a month before all this happened. I blame myself, but the thing is, I think my dad does as well." Shannon replied.

Mrs Lester wanted to reach out to Shannon, tell her everything is going to be ok. But, she feels like she doesn't need to do that, Shannon looks like a strong girl, a girl who can look after herself, sure there's going to be a few bumps in the road, but that's life.

"Well, Shannon, that's all the time we have today, same time next week and we'll see if we have any progress." Mrs Lester said, standing up as did Shannon.

Shannon nodded, heading out of the room, and out of the building, seeing Harry, one of her dads best mates, sitting in his car on the phone.

"Harry?" She asked as she opened the door and got in. "Hey, love." He greeted, smiling and started the car. "I'm sure your dad told you, you're staying over at mine and Niall's tonight." He said, Shannon looked down.

"He didn't." She said, Harry looking over at her. "He told me he texted you." He said, Shannon checking her phone, but nothing came up. "Nope." She said, letting out a sigh.

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